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With the truck back, things were going to be easier. The only problem was, how were we going to move out so quickly? How were we going to get rid of all these things and what were we going to do with them? What are we keeping and what are we getting rid of? How are we going to open the garage, because they took the keys for that too? Most importantly, where are we going? We have no family, everyone turned their backs on us. My grandma couldn't have us living with her because my alcoholic uncle, her favorite child, was living there. We had no one.

Luckily, one of my mothers friends from work opened her home to us. But thats a different story for later. We had a lot of junk to deal with. Once Elvias ex husband cut the lock off the garage, we had a lot to work with. The quickest way to get rid of junk is to have a yard sale. Which we did all weekend. You'd be surprised to see what you can sell and how much. We basically gave everything away, We made money too though. We made like $500 total, pretty good. After we were done with the garage, we moved on to the house. We sold our TV for $30, we put everything away in boxes, and packed some clothes and necessities in a suitcase. Mom rented a storage space, and we put everything in there, which isn't much honestly. Washer, dryer, beds, stove, dressers and boxes with everything dear to us. We managed to do all of this in a weekend. Now to go live with strangers practically.

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