Lost on the Bus

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I had not taken a bus since I was about five years of age. I used to take the bus all the time as a kid. I used to take the bus with my mother a lot, it was our only means of transportation back then, same thing with my grandmother, hell she never learned to drive, the bus is all she knows. Those were good times, not going to lie, but every bus ride is an adventure. You never know who you will run into or who you'll meet. I remember riding the bus with mother one day, she still worked at El Pollo Loco, I don't recall where we went but I know we were going back home, with grandma. We were sitting, when my mom starts conversing with one of her co workers, whom was also a good friend of hers, and her friend seemed to be fond of me, and that day, on that bus, she gave me a Barbie Thermos. How I loved that thermos, I had it for years. I never knew what happened with that lady, but wherever she is, I hope she's great.

Well being 16 at the time, and not taking the bus for 11 years, you already know I didn't remember anything about the bus life anymore. Not only that, but tremendous changes were made in the bus world, I was lost. Luckily my friend Alejandro told me about a bus route that dropped me off right in front of school. He said I should take the Long Beach Transit 173 bus and the bus stop wasn't too far from my house either. Cool, except I was confused when there was a bus stop for the same bus across the street from the bus stop I was currently standing at. My dumbass stayed at the nearest bus stop, the bus came, I payed the fare, and sat. I was confused when we weren't going the direction of my school, but I thought we were taking a different route there or that we would turn around somewhere.

The bus kept going, people got on, people got off. At some point the bus got super packed, crowded, couldn't even move. Next thing you know, I'm alone. I know I'm in Long Beach... Somewhere. The worst part of this was that I didn't have a cell phone, so if anything happened to me, I was screwed. I thought about getting off the bus but I was too scared. So I just sat there, alone. It was super awkward because the bus driver kept looking at me weird, as if wondering why I was still on the bus. I made it all the way to Downtown Long Beach, and rode back to Cerritos where my school was. I got to school during 3rd period, and my did I have a story to tell that day.

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