Chapter 14

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{John's POV}

10 days later

Sherlock had gotten out of the hospital sooner than expected. They patched him up and warned him against too much activity (which I assumed he brushed off and forgot about soon after being told). We sat on the sofa in 221b, Emma between Sherlock and I, as she told us her side of her few but murderous days in captivity. Sherlock and I were mortified as she showed us the marks she had received and told us of the things that were done to her.

Our conversation was interrupted by a phone call to my phone from Lestrade.

"Hello?" I answered.

"John. Good to speak with you. Glad this is is all cleared up and everyone is alright." Lestrade answered.

"Thanks. We are too." I pulled Emma closer and tightened my grip on Sherlock's hand.

"What I called about, though, Brooks has been processed and locked up in maximum security here. I know Sherlock was wanting to have a chat with the man. Come down whenever you're ready."

There was a slight scuffle from the doorway as the landlady climbed the stairs and stood in the threshold. "Emma, dear, could I bother you to help me with the groceries?" Mrs. Hudson called softly from the doorway. Emma smiled, stood, and silently padded out, chattering up a storm with the old woman once they reached the landing.

"Alright. Thanks, Greg." I answered then hung up. "Got all that Sherl?"

He raised my eye brow to me as we stood up. "What's with the nickname?" He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I don't know. Just suits you." I winked and flashed a cheeky smile.

"If you insist." He whispered and bent down to kiss my forehead softly. "You breathe that name to anyone and I will have your head," his raspy voice nearly growled into my ear.

I stepped away from him as he slipped his arms into his coat. "Like you don't already," I said suggestively. He froze from tying on his scarf. I raised my eyebrow as I turned my head to meet his playful eyes.

His tongue flicked out, wetting his lips. "Naughty, naughty, Dr. Watson."

I made a flirty purring sound, causing Sherlock to laugh heartily, in turn causing me to join in.

We laughed and I stepped to him again. "Sherlock, there's something I never said."

"What's that?"

I looked up into his wondering green-blue eyes, trying to find the right words to say. "I just wanted you to know..." I trailed off.

"Yes, John?" He took my hand and pulled me to his towering body.

"I just wanted to say...about...Mary..."

Sorrow filled his eyes. Sorrow and fear.

"I wanted you to know I forgive you. I understand it was a complete accident. Am I sad? Yes. Do I miss her? Of course. But will I hold a grudge on the man I love most? Absolutely not." I placed my hand on his cheek as I continued. "As much as I loved Mary, I love you just as much. Maybe even more." I gave him a half smile he was quick to return. "You've been there for me through...everything. You've pulled me out of situations I could have never imagined. You've practically died to save my life. So yes. Of course I forgive you. Always and completely."

His smile was one I couldn't describe. It was big, bright, loving, thankful, many things wrapped into one. His dimples popped out and the tightness of his skin accentuated his cheekbones more than they already were. It was one of the most attractive smiles I had ever seen. His eyes glistened. "Thank you, John. Thank you so very much. I will try to make it up to you somehow, someday."

Tears of a Broken HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin