Chapter 7

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{John's POV}

I closed the door behind me and stood with my back pressed against it, still breathing hard, my heart pounding in my ears. I was just going to talk to him about a case! Business as usual...that had turned out to be rather...not so usual...Sherlock kissed me. Sherlock. Kissed. Me! I had tried to pull away but...I just couldn't. His lips were so soft, his hands were so large and warm and gentle, one would have to be a proper idiot to pull away from such a glorious kiss. When he relaxed, I relaxed. When that happened, the kiss began to deepen and intensify. I had lost total control of my body. That rarely happened. Only on some occasions with Mary, but even that had taken a while to come about.

My first time kissing Sherlock, and it had gone...surprisingly ok...for gay but not gay kiss. I couldn't be gay. I had been married. To a woman. This couldn't be happening...although I wouldn't mind doing it again...

I shook my head, telling my mind not to believe it, but my heart and soul and actions just screamed it...I was gay, and with Sherlock Holmes.


{Sherlock's POV}

6 months later

6 months. 6 whole month since John and my first kiss. We had shared several shorter but just as caring kisses since. John must have just come to accept it, because he no longer fought it. He smiled at me a lot, and I would always find him staring at me in a longing, but almost hostile way. When I would catch him, he would simply raise his eye brows quickly, smile, and look away. It always made me grin when I caught John looking at me. It have me chills and butterflies I couldn't shake. Love was a new, but fruitful and exciting experience. One that I could only ask John Watson to be a part of.

Emma had grown so much since when they moved to Baker St. She was a year today. She was smiling and eating and playing more. She loved holding my finger and playing with my nose and curls. She was always pulling herself up on things and had stood on her own several times now! She had mistaken me for her "dada" a few times now also, making both John and I smile uncontrollably. Watching a child grow up in 221b was special. And today, she was having her first birthday party.

Everyone special to us had been invited. Molly, Mrs. H., Lestrade, my parents, Mycroft even, if he felt like showing up. Molly showed up early to help watch Emma while John and I hung a few decorations. I had never been too keen on parties, but this was for Emma. Not myself. It would be different. But I still hesitated at the thought.

"Hello," Molly's cheerful voice interrupted as she popped through the door.

"Oh hey," John chimed in from the kitchen. "Emma is in her playpen in the bedroom. You can get her if you'd like."

As John handed me a steamer, I leant down to whisper in his ear, "Is all this really necessary?"

"Sherlock Holmes, this is for Emma," he reprimanded playfully. "Besides...doesn't mean you can't get in your birthday suit later." He winked suggestively and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Did you two just..." Molly stood in the hall, Emma in her arms, staring at us wide-eyed, shocked, and almost disgusted.

"No," John and I spoke in unison. Her raised eyebrow hinted for a different answer.

"Maybe a little," I scrunched up my nose as she rolled her eyes and sat on the sofa and sang fun songs with Emma and helped her dance (which was basically Molly moving Emma's arms, causing her do turn slightly).

After the decorations were up, John, Molly, and I all sat down, just to talk. We ended up playing with Emma more than anything. I knelt on the floor across from John as he helped her to stand. She looked at Molly and I with excitement. She put one foot out. As she put the other foot out, she let go of her father's hand. Her first steps. She looked at me and smiled the cheekiest grin you could imagine, then took several more steps towards me. As she toppled, she fell into my arms and we all cheered. I couldn't have felt more special. I sent her off on the short distance between John and me again. She fell into John's arms, getting more excited and more proud as we cheered. John look at me. I looked at John. We smiled as he bounced Emma up and down. We were both very happy.

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