Chapter 10

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{Sherlock's POV}

We sat the dark living room...scared out of our wits. I had hacked the city security cameras (just as Avalon had taught me) and I was sitting at my laptop with a million different views of every street corner of London. I flicked my eyes all over the screen, searching for any evidence to lead us to where Avalon would have been taken.

John sat on his chair across from me, watching my concentration. The apparent worry now showing in his face that was drained of color, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep and red from crying.

"Nothing! John there's nothing to lead us to her..." I swallowed hard and looked sorrowfully into his eyes.

"Sherlock, we will find her. We have to. We can't let her down," He replied, leaning forward and putting his hand on my knee.

"I already did..." I hung my head low as I spoke. Remembering the vow I had made to Avalon, and a tear fell from my eyes.

"No you didn't-"

"Yes, John, I did!" I yelled. "I broke my promise. I let her down."

"What promise?" He walked over and sat on the arm of my chair, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I swore to her...ever since she was a baby...that I would keep her safe and protect her. That I'd never lose her, and that I would give my life for hers. I let her down..."

"You aren't to be blamed for all of this, Sherlock," my head fell again, but John was quick to lift it with his gentle hand. "It's not your fault." He leaned down and kissed my lips gently and reassuringly. "I promise."

Suddenly, there was a ding and my screen flashed a new email alert. "New email from Avalon" the alert read. I pressed "open" so fast, I thought the laptop might split.

Dear Dad. I managed to tear down their firewall on the laptop they left. I'm fine. I'm in a house of some sort, seems to be big. They didn't gag me, so it must be far enough away they aren't worried about me crying for help. It smells of...salt and...wet dog. It's pretty quiet. Don't worry about me. Please come find me, but don't be worrying. I'm fine. Love you lots! xx

"We have to go," John jumped up and ran to the bedroom to gather whatever might come in handy. I was about to put away the laptop and join him when there was another ding. "New email from Avalon"

I pressed open, and almost immediately, my stomach dropped to the floor.

Sherlock. It is imperative that Dad doesn't see this. He would only panic. Help me. Help me please. I don't know where I am, or what they want. But I do know they intend to hurt me. They've already begun. I'm hurt, Sherlock, terribly. I can't walk and I'm soar all over. My throat is sore and my head is pounding. Please. Sherlock. Come save me. I'm terrified.

"I'm so sorry, dearest Avalon," I cried. I knew I had to respect her wishes, so after analyzing the email, I quickly deleted it.

"Are you ready?" John came back into the room with worried determination on his face that soon turned to worried sorrow as he noticed my heavily falling tears. "Sherlock, what's wrong?" he set down his bag and walked over to my chair, kneeling in front of my shaking body.

"John...I'm so sorry..."

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, you look at me this instant."

I quickly looked up to his face, startled a bit by the use of my full name. My eyes met his, his gaze of love and tenderness holding mine. "Sherlock," he put his hands on my jaw and leaned his forehead to mine. "this is not your fault. I don't know what I have to say to you to get you to understand, but this, all of this, is not your fault in any way whatsoever, do you hear me?"

Tears of a Broken HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora