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A/N: Hey, people reading this! So I was just sitting around and this plot came to mind. It's my first fanfic (I hope it's not too obvious) but I hope y'all like it :) Enjoy!


After a long week of work, it was finally John's day off and he was looking forward to a relaxing day, staying at home ,drinking tea, and writing on his blog.


He let his phone ring as he was finishing as update on his blog. It rang three times, then silence. He shrugged and continued clicking away on his laptop.


John threw his hands up in frustration as he picked up his phone. "Hello." He answered sharply.

"'s Molly..."

"Uh yeah gathered that. I have called ID, ya know."

"There's been a terrible accident...drunk need to come to the hospital immediatel-"

"You know, DOCTORS HAVE DAYS OFF TOO!" John practically yelled at her.

"John, its-"

"I don't care! Today is my day off and if you'd KINDLY-"

"John, it's Mary!"

John's heart sank... "...Mary...?"

"John you need to hurry..."

"God no...please tell me you're..."

"I wish I was, have to hurry!"

" there as soon as I can..."

John's whole world was blurred as he grabbed his phone and keys and ran downstairs.

"John, what's wrong?" Mrs. Hudson's concerned voice asked from behind. As John turned to face her, she could see the tears streaming from his eyes.

"Mary...has been in an accident."

"Oh, John...I'm coming with you." She reached for her coat hanging from the hook next to the door.

Another tear rolled down his cheek as he helped Mrs H. with her coat and opened the door. They hailed the nearest cab and climbed in just before it began to rain. Mrs H. sat in the middle right next to John, holding his trembling hand as he stared out the rain-streaked window.

They arrived at Barts in about 10 minutes and John jumped out, leaving Mrs H. scuttling along close behind. He raced inside and ran up the stairs to the second floor. As he burst through the door into the sterile hallway, he ran into Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade, almost hard enough to knock him fully over.

"Where is she?" John asked breathlessly.

"She's in surgery," Greg said, putting his hands reassuringly on John's shoulders. "No word from the doctors yet." Greg wrapped John in a sympathetic hug and sat him down in the waiting room. Also in the room stood Molly, who was pacing the floor anxiously, Mrs. H. who had just stepped off the elevator, and even Mycroft and Anderson, who were never keen on social calls or anything having to do with Sherlock.

When he managed to catch his breath, John asked Greg if Sherlock was there. No one had seen or heard of Sherlock in nearly a week. The way Sherlock managed to always pop up out of the blue and usually cause an issue, everyone was a little shocked.

"Haven't seen or heard from him. We tried calling him about all this but didn't get an answer. We texted, but he never responded. I'm terribly sorry."

"No no it's ok..." John trailed off

After the longest 15 minutes of everyone's life, the doctor emerged from the room with a sullen look on his face that could only mean one thing.

"I'm so sorry, John...we did everything we could...but she's not gonna make it..." The doctor knew John personally, so he anticipated John's next reaction.

"Let me in. Let me see her." John feebly stepped forward, pushing against the doctors strong arms. This can't be happening, John thought. But it was.

"She's pretty banged up..."

"I don't care...she's my wife."

"Ok...She's very weak, John. You have to be careful..."

John just shoved past and burst into room 238. His sweet Mary lay on the table hooked up to so many machines, and with so many marks and bruises and cuts, she was just recognizable.

"Mary?" he quietly called.

"John..." came a faint reply, followed by Mary reaching weakly towards John.

"I'm here. I'm here, love," John took her hand. "I'm here and I won't ever leave."

A weak laugh was forced from the battered body John clung to. "You have to, sweet. You have other responsibilities now." As a tear rolled down John's face, she spoke again. "Just don't forget about me. Always keep me in your heart. Take Emma. And love her with all your heart and protect her with your life."

"I will, love. I promise." He leaned down and kissed her gently on her lips. It took ever last bit of her strength to kiss him back.

As the kiss ended, she smiled weakly. "I'm going to miss that."

A doctor walked in, but John paid no mind. "John, we checked her out, and this little one is very lucky. She's perfectly fine," the doctor handed John a tiny baby wrapped in the pink blanket she had gotten from Sherlock's mother. John took the baby without saying anything to the doctor, who walked out immediately.

"Hey, sweetheart," Mary spoke to the child. "Take care of Daddy. He needs all the help he can get." She smiled up at John and looked deep into his eyes. "Goodbye, Sweeties." She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then...nothing.

John's tears flowed again as he sat alone in the sterile room, holding his baby girl and his wife's hand to his cheek. She was gone.

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