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A/N: Hello darlings! I just wanted to let you guys know that I will not be leaving any trigger warnings for chapters (mainly because it messes with the flow and ruins the element of surprise). I realize that Joker killing Avery was beyond fucked up, however, keep in mind that he is the Joker. He had absolutely no problem blowing up an entire hospital, as well as boats full of innocent people (including children), therefore his actions are not really much of a surprise. I do, however, apologize if the scene upset anyone in any way. Originally, I was going to have Joker kill both Olivia and Avery the same night he killed Charlie, but I decided against it and instead went with this approach. Goodness, I'm rambling like mad. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter!


"Ugly people kill people all the time. But when pretty people did, it got attention."
—Chelsea Cain


Ember sat on the kitchen island stool, scribbling her own original poem onto a lined sheet of paper when the front door suddenly swung open.

The woman jumped in shock at the abrupt noise, her gaze fixated on a rather disheveled Joker as he strut into the house. His left hand was in his hair, right hand clutched around a gun as he delicately placed it onto the counter.

"Joker?" Ember raised a brow, her legs swinging from the stool as the pen toppled messily onto the floor. She approached him quickly, her face only inches from his as she watched him hungrily lick his lips.

"Uh, yes?" He purred, smacking his lips together as his gaze lazily met hers.

"I-I wanted to apologize for—"

But she never was able to finish her sentence.

In a fraction of a second, Ember found herself pinned against the wall, Joker's fingers laced tightly around her throat as her eyes widened in fear. Her vision eventually steadied, previously blurred by the sudden contact of the wall against her skull as she began to tremble.

The woman squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to watch what the madman would do to her as she awaited the sound of the blade clicking into place.

However, that sound never came.

Instead, Ember's brows furrowed in confusion as the unexpected feeling of wet lips met hers. The hold on her throat released, his fingers gently cradling her jaw as he pried her frozen lips open with his.

Her eyelids fluttered open, the blurred image of Joker's painted face pressed against hers filling her vision. She finally responded to his prying lips, allowing his tongue access to her mouth as he sighed in relief.

Ember eventually molded into his desperate embrace, her chocolate tinted eyes closing once more as her hands cradled his jaw. The familiar taste of greasepaint filled her senses, her tongue lapping out to caress that wishbone shaped scar underneath his bottom lip as a throaty grunt toppled into her mouth.

Nothing seemed to make sense in that jumbled mind of hers... Only several hours ago, he'd broken her nose with a harsh punch to her face. Now, he viciously attacked her lips with his, nearly swallowing her whole as his body flattened against hers, pressing her further into the wall. His hips bucked forward to meet hers, his gloved hands trailing agonizingly slow down her torso as they halted over her bony hips.

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