Oberyn Martell X Reader - Gifts

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"How can you think that? I owe her everything for how excepting she has been, how accepting all of the girls have been," you told him in a huff. "She deserves so much and nothing in the market will ever be good enough," you thought aloud, resting your elbows on your knees, and your face in your hands as you slumped forward.

"Maybe we can have the jeweller make her something special?" he told you, causing you to let out a light gasp as you turned to smile up at him.

"That's a magnificent idea, maybe something made with Citrine, she would love the yellow," you rambled, getting to your feet and giving Oberyn a light kiss on his lips. "You are the smartest man alive, did you know that?" you asked him as you pulled away, laughing as you took off at a quick pace towards your chambers.

Oberyn smirked as he watched you hurry off about your business. He had always adored his girls, and it made him so happy to see how well you got on with them, and how much they cared for you. Though, it seemed it would end up costing him a small fortune for you to keep showing your appreciation.

That evening you met with the jeweller, telling him the exact necklace you wanted for Loreza and watching as he sketched the idea to life on the paper. It was beautiful, a stunning golden Citrine gem surrounded by a twisted Silver setting that wrapped around itself like a viper. You made sure that it would be just long enough that it would rest over her shift for the whole world to see; a beautiful gift for a beautiful girl. You insisted on watching it in its creation too, seeing the metal being sculpted until it was perfect, and seeing it begin to shine as the gemstone was added to its centre. It was perfect, and soon you would be able to give it to its new owner.

You were quick to get into bed that night, burrowing among the covers and pulling them tightly around you, hoping you would soon fall asleep. As your eyes began drifting shut you heard the door opening, and quickly reopened them, revealing Loreza standing in the doorway. The poor girl was shaking, tears in her eyes as she whimpered.

"What is the matter, My Sweet?" you spoke, pulling the covers back to go to her, but not getting far enough when she ran over and dove into your arms, climbing onto the bed with you.

"I had a bad dream," she answered, getting as close to you as she possibly could, pressing her face into your shoulder as you held her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked and she shook her head lightly, her sniffling breaths slowing a little as you cuddled. "You can stay in here tonight if you want," you told her, stroking her hair before planting a small kiss on the top of her head. Soon enough you were both snoring lightly, huddled together on your bed.

Oberyn came to bed soon after, discovering his new wife in the middle on the bed with his youngest daughter wrapped up in her arms, both of them sleeping peacefully. He snickered as he moved around the bed, climbing in and pulling them both closer to him, pressing his head into the crook of Y/N's neck and kissing it softly with a smile.

That was how you woke the next morning, sandwiched between your husband and the birthday girl. You watched her sleep for a moment, allowing your fingers to brush through her hair as you though of how lucky you were, you had the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms at your side, and were surrounded by his wonderful family who actually liked and accepted you. You had never been happier in life.

You felt Oberyn wake soon after you, his whole body shifting around yours and pulling you closer to him as he buried his face into the skin of your neck, causing you to chuckle. "Good morning, My Love," he spoke, his voice thick with sleep as he groaned and stretched.

"Morning Handsome," you answered, looking back over your shoulder to kiss him on the lips. "The little princess is still asleep," you added with a chuckle.

"Did you find the perfect gift?" he asked, still pressing kisses against your skin as he spoke and smiling into you as you nodded.

"It's beautiful; she'll love it," you added, before shifting your body, managing to stand in the centre of the bed before smiling down at Oberyn. "I happen to remember being woken up like this on my birthday," you chuckled, bending your knees and making the mattress creak as you began to bounce, making him let out a surprised laugh as he got up to join you. Loreza was quick to wake up when you began chanting that it was her birthday.

"Happy birthday," you yelled, dropping to your knees on the bed beside her and laughing as she launched herself into your arms. "Would you like your gift?" you asked her and she nodded excitedly as you pointed to the small black box sitting on your desk.

"What is it?" she questioned, jumping from the bed to rush over.

"Open it," you answered, patting the bed for her to bring it back before opening it. Her eyes lit up once she had managed to wrench the box open, revealing the necklace on a bed of golden tissue paper.

"I love it," she yelped, throwing herself at you again and leaving you both in a fit of giggles as Oberyn took the necklace from its box and unclasped it, holding it out when she steadied herself enough for him to put it on her. "Thank you," Loreza spoke softly, still staring down at the gem hanging against her chest. "It's perfect," she told you as she finally lifted her head with a giant smile.

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