"Enough about me, these are for you"

"I was hoping the gift bag was for me" I joked.

That earned a light chuckle.

"I don't think you would appreciate cuff links and whiskey"

"I would not" I admitted.

I smiled.

"Come on in" I said.

He stepped inside and I closed the door. Once the door was locked, I turned to look at him.

"There's no need to be nervous" I assured him.

Taking one last deep breath, he nodded and I led him inside. Just as I was about to knock on the door to my dad's study room, Eli's voice was heard as he sang along to 'Slow Hands'.

"Eli's here"

I nodded.

"Yeah, my dad won't let him leave" I told Chris.

Chris chuckled and watched as I knocked on the door. The door opened a few seconds later, and Dean smiled up at us.

"Hi, come on in"

Chris followed me into the room.

"I see you changed into your PJs" I noted.

Dean nodded and frowned a bit.

"It's bed time"

"It's way past your bed time" I pointed out.

He frowned a bit and looked at Chris.

"I'm Dean"

I couldn't help but smile at the interaction as Dean stuck out his right hand for Chris to shake.

"Hi Dean, I'm Chris"

Dean nodded as Chris shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you"

When they stopped shaking hands, Dean made his way towards the door.


"Good night" I called out.

He left the room and I looked at my dad who set his reading glasses on his desk before smiling at Chris and I.

"What pretty flowers you've got there"

"Chris got them for me" I said.

"He's got good taste"

I rolled my eyes a bit as he winked. Sitting up, he cleared his throat as he looked at me.

"Andrea, why don't you go put those flowers in some water? It will give me just enough time to talk privately with the young man in front of me"

I nodded slowly and offered Chris a smile. As I made my way out, I heard;

"Christopher, I got to say I've heard great things about you. Have a seat"

I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. Eli was done washing the dishes and was currently drying them with a towel.

"Your dad wasted no time in getting him alone"

He smiled.

"Let's get those flowers in some water"

I let him take the bouquet from me and watched as he placed them in a vase.

"He probably wanted to get him alone to see what Chris' intentions with you are"

"Did he ask you anything?" I wondered.

"He asked what I thought about Chris"

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I told him that Chris was a nice guy who was really into you"

He smiled.

"Go away now"

I did as told and made my way towards dad's study room. knocking on the door, I peaked into the room.

"Can I come in now?" I asked.

"Of course, take a seat next to Christopher"

I moved aside as Binx made his way into the room. He saw Chris and immediately walked over to him. Purring lightly, he stood up and meowed at Chris.

"I take it you've met Andrea's child"

Chris nodded and picked Binx up.

"Yeah, we've met a couple of times"

Dad raised an eyebrow.

"Chris started the season with the Oklahoma City Dodgers" I explained.

"That make sense"

I took a seat next to Chris.

"So Christopher, you went to college...right?"

Placing Binx on his lap, Chris nodded as he looked at my dad.

"Yeah, I was recruited to play baseball for t-"

He stopped talking when dad placed a glass of whiskey in front of him.

"Are you not drinking with me?"

I looked at my dad to see if he was testing Chris.

"I'm not testing you, I genuinely want to have a drink with you. My daughter obviously finds something attractive about you"

Chris lightly chuckled.

"I am in no way trying to offend you, I'm just stating the obvious. If my daughter likes you then I approve of you"

Binx meowed.

"And obviously Binx approves"

Binx then proceeded to nuzzle against Chris' face.

"So tell me about yourself Christopher"

Chris reached for the Whiskey and sat up a bit.


Dad smiled.

"Well you were telling me you were recruited, where did you go to school?"

"The University of Virginia"

Chris took a sip of the whiskey and looked down at Binx who lightly touched his cheek.

"I knew I recognized you somewhere"


"Andrea actually got recruited to play for their softball team"

Chris looked at me and I nodded confirming what dad had just said.

"She got recruited to three colleges actually. Virginia, UCLA and Oklahoma"

Dad smiled.

"I knew she was going to leave the state because no daughter of mine would ever go to UCLA"

I rolled my eyes at that.


He was not kidding. After all, he had gone to Cal and mom had gone to USC.

"Your intentions with my daughter are good, which is why I approve of your relationship. Just know that the day you break my baby girl's heart will be the last day you get to see with those pretty blue eyes of yours"

Ladies and gents, my father.

A/N: So them Dodgers huh? 😭 At least they're still in first place 😊 though they do need to get their head straight.

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