Chapter 4

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(April's POV)

I stirred around in bed unable to fall asleep. I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling, tears already welling up in my eyes. Only four days had passed since Brad had left, but I missed him more than I could ever have imagined. I was constantly worried about if he was okay, if he was injured, and if he had already been pulled into the horrible war taking place what felt like an entire world away.

I fumbled with my hand in the dark until I felt the cold picture frame against my fingertips. I grasped the frame and hugged it to my chest as silent tears rolled down my cheeks. I rolled over to my side and stared out through the window.

The full moon lit up the otherwise dark night sky, and bathed my room with its bright light. I curled up into a ball and hugged the frame even closer to my chest. My blood shot eyes focused on the moon as more tears helplessly fell from my eyes...

(Brad's POV)
I pushed my helmet up as it fell down in front of my eyes yet again. I tilted my head back and squinted as my eyes met the piercing sun.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Tristan and James right behind me. They gripped tightly onto their guns while they walked in the seemingly endless row of soldiers. I turned my gaze back to the front and continued to walk as I wiped the sweat covering my forehead away.
We had been patrolling the grounds day and night and we hadn't crossed paths with a single Japanese soldier


Connor walked up to me where I was sitting propped up against a fallen tree and handed me his water bottle, his gaze scanning the surroundings carefully as he sat down next to me.

I screwed the lid off the water bottle and took a sip from the luke warm water. I sighed in content as the fluid ran down my dry throat. I passed the bottle back to Connor as I took my helmet off and ruffled my damp hair around.

"Where do you think they are? I mean, we should've bumped into at least one by now" Connor said as he brought the water bottle up to his lips.

"You can't forget the fact that we're on their territory. They know this island like the palm of their hand" I stated as I leaned back on my arms, appreciating the cold breeze fanning my face.

"I bet they're luring around in the deep jungle, waiting to strike when we least expect it" Connor mumbled darkly as he eyes darted across the camp.


I looked up at the black sky and the moon illuminating it with its bright light. I could hear my fellow soldiers mumbling in the dark, and the one on look out passed me as he patrolled back and forth. I looked down at the notepad in my lap and placed the tip of the pen in my hand against the paper.

(April's POV)
"Dear April,
We have been patrolling the grounds for days with no luck. We haven't seen a single Japanese soldier, and to be honest everyone fears that something bad is to come. But I do not want to trouble you with our not so trustworthy speculations. You shouldn't worry about me too much, I will come home, I promised.

I miss you more than I can put into words, it hurts me to know that you're so far away from me. But yet, in my dreams you're right by my side. And believe me, that is more than enough for me, to know that you're safe even though it means you're only present in my sleeping state.

I promise to be home before you know it, and then I'll never leave you again. So please do not worry too much, I hate to imagine a frown upon your face. So smile instead, you look so beautiful when you smile.
Love you, forever and always

A smile spread across my lips as I hugged the letter to my chest, right above my beating heart.

My eyes fluttered closed and tears slipped past the corners of my eyes and down my cheeks, but they were not tears of sadness, no, they were tears of joy and relief. Brad had sent this letter, and that must've meant that he was alright, that he was not injured, nor in the midst of a combat.

And that was all I could ever ask for.

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