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Hello, everyone!
If you're reading this it means that you by some unknown reason decided to read this book, and I am entirely grateful that you decided to do so, I truly am.

I just wanted to say that you might have read or heard about this story before because I've uploaded it previously on my instagram account where I used upload fan fiction about the singer Brad Simpson. I just wanted to point that out so you don't think I've stolen this story or anything since it is in fact entirely my own. A friend of mine told me to give wattpad a shot so I decided that I would upload this story here. If you have read this story on my instagram page already you will notice that I've done a few minor changes such as giving the girl a name etc, but it shouldn't really be that different from the original one.

With that said I hope you like this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and please do vote and leave a comment, it would really make my day.

You can also find me on instagram on
@/ brad_imagines_foryou if you'd like to chat or read some of my other stories.

Lina xx

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