Chapter Two.

Depuis le début

"So what's this place?" I asked.

"You'll see once we get inside." Y/N said.

We walked inside and it was and art studio. We went upstairs and there was an instructor waiting for us. Y/N ad I both put on aprons and sat down in front of our canvases. The instructor told us that our task was to paint portraits of each other. If I'd known we were gonna paint I wouldn't have worn this dress.

"I'm gonna warn you now my portrait is gonna be a hot mess so don't expect a masterpiece over here." I said.

Y/N chuckles slightly, "I was literally about to tell you the same thing." He said.

I put a few different colors on my palette and began to paint. There's no way I was gonna be able to paint this gorgeous specimen of a man and make it look perfect but I'll give it a try.

"So how was your day?" Y/N asked.

"It was pretty good what about yours?" I asked.

"Long and hard." Y/N said.

The dirty thoughts that came to mine when Y/N said long and hard. I really need to stop hanging out with Dinah because she is turning me into a little freak.

"What'd you do today?" I asked.

"I was at the gym for most of the day, then I went swimming, I got a massage, then I did an interview, then I went home and slept for awhile, now I'm here with you." Y/N said.

"Sounds like a very productive day. Are you always this busy when getting ready for fight?" I asked.

"Kinda, I take boxing very seriously and I wanna be the best fighter I can be. So I don't party and stay out late when I have a match coming up. My trainer puts me on a very strict diet and follow it even though it's very hard but at the end I kinda pig out." Y/N said.

"What's your diet like?" I asked.

"Lots of whole grains, a bunch of organic foods, no processed stuff, lots of fruit and vegetables, no caffeine, and no sweets." Y/N said.

I leaned to the left and and Y/N leaned the same way so we could see each other. "So you mean to tell me that you can weeks without eating any kind of deserts?" I asked.

"That's what my trainer thinks but I have to eat something sweet every now and then." Y/N said.

"What's you favorite desert?" I asked.

"Chocolate." Y/N said.

Y/N licked over his lips and I went back to painting on my canvas. I asked Y/N a few more questions about himself as I continued to paint him. Shockingly my painting was looking a lot better than I thought it would. I just hoped that Y/N would liked it.

"So Normani I have a confession to make." Y/N said.

"O-Okay." I said nervously.

"Before last night I had no clue who you were." Y/N said.

"It's okay, you're not the first." I said.

"But now that I know you, I don't plan on forgetting about you." Y/N said.

This dude and his smooth as pick up lines. A hour went by and we finished painting out portraits but they had to dry so Y/N took me out to dinner at this really nice restaurant down the street. Y/N held open my door and pulled out my chair for me, things that my father will be pleased to hear about when I tell him about my date. Throughout dinner Y/N and I got to know each other better.

We talked about what it's like being celebrities and the struggles that come along with it. Turns out Y/N and I have both see the good, bad, and ugly of this Hollywood life. Then we talked about the little things like music, movies, tv shows, and food of course. I finally found someone that loves chicken wings just as much as I do.

Wild Thoughts (Normani/You)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant