Survey Corp The Mafia

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Eren stared in horror at the scene in front of her. Levi was bleeding profusely from his wound at the side of his body. "L-Levi, Levi, I'm so sorry... Hang in there, please... I-I should have get here earlier."

Tears were running down her eyes and she was still panting due to the running she had done to get to the meeting point. Levi slowly opened his eyes and gazed tenderly at Eren. He raised his hand and gently cupped Eren's cheek.

"Eren, it's not your fault. Now go back to the base and tell the rest what we learned from the king's men." Eren shook her head furiously, and grabbed Levi's hand that was cupping her face."No, Levi! I'm not going to leave you. I'm not leaving you behind."

Her sobs was getting louder and louder. "Eren, if you stay, it will be dangerous. Go back to the base, go back to the 'Captain' you love."

Eren's eyes widen and her breathing hitched."W-what do you mean?"

"Eren, don't play dumb with me. You sometimes mumbled 'Captain' in your sleep. He is someone you like, right? So, go back to him, Eren." Eren could not believe what she was hearing. Her mind blanked and she could only stare at Levi. Her hands released Levi's. Finally she managed to croak out.

"L-Levi, you're w-wrong! The one that I like! The one that I like! Is..." But she was too late, Levi had already closed his eyes. She placed a hand on his chest. His heart, which used to thump strongly and calms Eren, was silent. Eren wrapped her arms around Levi's head and hugged him closely to her chest.

"Levi, you bastard. You should at least finish listening to what I have to say. The one that I like is you... Please... Open your eyes. I can't survive without you. I've lose you too many times. So... Please Levi... You idiot."

Seeing there was no reaction from Levi, Eren removed the dagger she had hidden under her dress. Taking a deep breathe, she plunged it into her stomach. Gasping hard, Eren put her arms around Levi once again and planted a kiss on his lips.



Eren snapped out of her thought. A hand, which belong to redhead, was waving in front of her eyes. Seeing as there was no reaction, Isabel put her hand down and pouted. “Ah~ Looks like we had shocked this poor girl.”

“W-what?” Eren blinked her eyes in confusion and looked around quizzly. Petra, Eld, Gunther and Oluo was carrying the injured men off to god-knows-where, while Hanji, Mike, Levi and two additional pair, Isabel and Farlan, was staring at her.

Looks like they were trying to figure out how to deal with her. Eren let out a deep sigh which seemed to perk the group interest.

“Looks like we didn’t break her at all! Hahahaha!” Hanji laughed. Pouncing on her, Hanji used one of her hand to squeeze Eren’s cheeks and turning it this side and that, inspecting her before rumbling on.“That’s one pretty face you got there! Oh, and those eyes. Won’t it be a shame if we have to get rid of it? Nene Levi~ Mind if I keep her? I promise I will take good care of her.”

Isabel joined in on Hanji’s cooing and used her thumb and forefinger to pry one of Eren’s eyes bigger before staring straight at the pupil. “Oh wow, she really do have some nice eyes there. Love the yellow. I wish my eyes is just like yours. Too bad mine don’t have the yellow and is duller.”

As Isabel and Hanji was still treating Eren as some exotic animal, Eren almost missed the fact that the others were back and Oluo had put forward a question to Levi on whether if they should get rid of her. Snapping her head towards both men, and almost having Isabel’s finger poked her eyes, she narrowed her eyes at Oluo. Noticing her stare, Oluo turned to her before sneering, “What bra-ack!”

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