#15. "Happy Jungkook Day"

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Sumi's POV

......why?? How did I not friggin know of this?? WAEEEE?!!?!?

Its happy Jungkook day. AKA Kook Books Birthday....

And I  didn't know about it.... also the reason why I'm gathered in my dorm with all of BTS, excluding Jungkook cuz I made him go to a photo shoot, blanked out...


All I received were sheepish smiles in return as they rubbed the back of their head.

I took a deep breath and started counting to 10.


And exploded again.

I was busy ripping my hair out when Jin Eomma gave me a pretty good suggestion.

"Why don't you go cake shopping while buying your present for him??"

The idea lightened my world up and I didn't feel like it was gonna come crashing down any second anymore.

That being my last thought I grabbed my wallet, car keys and bag, walking out of my room before running back in, hugging the genius who gave me the idea, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and running back out again with my timberlands, oversized hoodie that I stole from Jungkook's closet, and dark blue skinny jeans.

I probably looked like a hobo right now.

Running into my car, I sped my way to the supermarket on my quest to find the best present as well as the best birthday cake.

From all this time that I've been hanging out with Jungkook, I've collected enough info on what we both like so I don't have to buy him something he likes but I don't.....if that makes sense...

List of things we both like:

-the colours red, white & black
-superheroes & villains (he's more of an ironman person and I'm more of an deadshot person)
-the smell of soap (he smells like soap so I really like hugging and smelling him...... judging myself so much rn)
-anime (thinks about hotarubi no mori e *le cries*)
-warm stuff
-soft stuff
-and the list goes on....

After making a imaginary list of things I parked my car and made my way to the cake shop. After I finally arrived in front of the shop, I pulled on the door only for it to not open. Panic started to bubble up inside me as I wondered if we had to celebrate his birthday without the damn cake.

My eyes scanned over the area on the other side of the glass door only to be confused even more. People were busy eating samples as well as choosing their cakes. What the flying banana??

My eyes fell to the door handle as I scanned how the door works. Finally I found a four letter word that made me wanna face palm.

"PUSH" I read aloud as I did what the instructions told me to do, hearing the jingle of bells as I walked into the smell of freshly baked food that hugged me welcomingly.

Standing in line I stared at the variety of cakes, none of them seeming right. I kept looking along the row of cakes that o didn't notice that it was my turn.

The grandma behind the desk who seemed in her late 60's smiled at me knowingly.

"Having trouble picking out a cake, dear?"she asked, reminding me of my Halmeoni. All i wanted to do was run behind the counter and squish her in a hug.

My BTS Lyfe (BTS Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora