Chapter 4:Visiting

Start from the beginning

"I love her, more than anything, Buddy too, but there is something I think you ought to know about my love: Not everyone accepts it."

"I know that already, trust me, not all Nephilim accept the idea of love between the same sex."

"That isn't what I mean. When Buddy got pregnant I was the happiest man alive, but I still hadn't told my family that we were together. Fae are fairly accepting when it comes to homosexuality, but not when it comes to warlocks. It isn't as well known as the werewolves and the vampires, but our races have always had a dislike for each other.

The first person I told was one of my most trusted friends. He told me that by associating with a warlock I was disgracing my race, and that the thing inside of him was an abomination. He told me that I would have to leave him if I wanted to be respected. So I left them. Meliorn told them that I disagreed with the way of the fae, and our queen ruled me off as an exile." Elfred paused, looking away from his daughter.

"What? Meliorn was your friend?" Alex exclaimed.

"You know of him?" Elfred asked.

"He used to date my sister."

"That hypocrite!" Elfred took a calming breath before continuing. "Anyway, Alexander, what I'm trying to say is that not everyone will think of what you two created as a miracle. And even if you lose a few people, you gain so much more." He said, glancing back at his daughter.

"Doesn't it...hurt when she uses her powers on you?"

"Yes, and not just physically. I know she can't control it, but it still bothers me that I can't comfort my own child. It is just another of those things that you have to learn to deal with." Elfred sighed and leaned against the crib, studying Alec. "I never pictured you like this." Elfred said.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked, looking down at himself, shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously.

"When I got word that Magnus was in love with a Shadowhunter, I never thought that it was real. I always thought that it was just another big-headed Nephilim showing off how tricky he was by using a Downworlder for his entertainment. And then when Buddy told me that Magnus was pregnant, I thought that for sure that his Shadowhunter would leave him, and I felt for Magnus. But you, you're different. You honestly love him, I can tell."

"Of course I do. What's not to love about him?" Elfred chuckled.

"You are seriously okay with the fact that you are going to be a father?" He asked.

"Well...not really. It isn't that I don't want children, it's just that I never thought that children would be an option in our relationship. And if it was I didn't picture it coming up for a long time. I guess that now it's happening I might as well make the best of the situation." Elfred shook his head, regarding him with disbelief.

"You are the most level-headed, mature Nephilim I have ever known, and you're only nineteen! I don't have a doubt in my mind that you and Magnus can make this work."

"So, that is Alec, the 'unbelievably beautiful Shadowhunter with eyes like the sea.'" Magnus laughed at Buddy quoting him.

"Oh, come on, you have to admit that it is true." Buddy smiled and nodded.

"He is easy on the eyes, I'll give you that. I just never thought that he would be your type."

"Oh, he is a perfect example of 'my type'."

"Funny then, how before this you were always with the loud, flamboyant, self-confident warlocks." Buddy teased him.

"Well, how long did those relationships last again?" Magnus asked.

"Good point. Now, back to being serious. You never did tell me how he reacted to the news, though I assume well, since he is here with you now."

"Yes, quite well, surprisingly. There were a few...misunderstandings." Magnus chuckled to himself and Buddy grew curious, he gestured for Magnus to tell him and Magnus smiled evilly. "Alec and his family thought that I was sleeping with you." Buddy made a strangled noise of surprise and disbelief, and Magnus burst out laughing.


"Oh yes, he walked in on us when you were comforting me...on my bed. He locked himself in his room and cried. Of course no one thought to inform me that in his mind we had broken up, until his sister walked up and bitch-slapped me." Buddy was still staring at him in disbelief.

"You almost broke up because of me? How...I would never do that with you!" Magnus couldn't help but laugh again at how horrified Buddy was with the thought that people thought that they had slept with each other.

"Oh, come now, have you honestly never thought of me in that way?" Magnus batted his eyelashes and Buddy glared at him.

"Magnus! That isn't funny!" Buddy's face was flushed with anger and embarrassment.

"Calm down, Buddy, I'm just teasing you. And I already informed everyone involved that I did not cheat on Alec, so there's no need to fret."

"So after you cleared that up, what happened?" Buddy asked, trying to change the subject.

"I told him that I was pregnant and then ran out."

"Without giving him a chance to say anything?"

"Yep. I was almost at the door when he turned me around and kissed me." Magnus smiled at the memory. "he told me that he loved me no matter what, and then we went home and talked things over."

"And you are sure that he is okay with everything?" Buddy asked, concerned.

"He was actually pretty cool with it after the initial shock wore off." Magnus said and Buddy nodded.

"And is he going to tell his family?" Buddy asked, afraid that he would run like Elfred did.

"If I can convince him to, they should know by tomorrow."

To be continued...

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