Chapter 20

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Peter left later that day. I was sad to see him leave but happy to see him leave healthy again. After he left Stark showed me to the room I would be staying in until I felt better and could go live with Peter again.

"Here you go," Stark says to me after leading me down a long hallway and stopping in front of a door. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Mr. Stark," I say.

"No problem Veronica," He says before walking back down the hallway.

I opened the door to reveal a big beautiful room. The room was covered in white marble. There was a large beautiful bed sitting against the wall. The head board was white and outlined with a golden yellow.

I smiled as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. There were two white chairs and a TV. A fireplace was underneath the TV.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. I looked at the side table and saw a cell phone. I stared at it confused. Did someone leave their phone here?

I then noticed a note next to it. I picked it up and it read, "Got you a phone, it has Peter's number and my number. -Tony"

I smiled and picked up the phone. I opened it and went onto the text messages. I clicked on Peters icon and started to text him,

"Heyyy, Tony got me a phone!" I texted.

I waited for a response, then remembered something.

"This is Veronica by the way," I typed.

"Oh, hey," Peter sent. I smiled.

"So, you home?" I sent.

"Yeah, May got home earlier then I thought, she got home directly after me, she asked where you were," Peter sent.

"What did you say?" I sent.

"That you were with Stark still," He sent. I smiled.

"Good, she'll believe that," I sent.


Before I could start to text him again, I felt something poking my chest. I reached my hand into my shirt and felt something. I pulled it out.

It was the Saphrite.

I forgot about the Saphrite for a while. I guess they weren't that concerned with taking the Saphrite. Helgen only asked once.

I took off the chain attached around my neck and held it out in front of me. I stared at it for a few seconds before the fire place caught my attention. I stood up and walked over to the lit fireplace.

I held out the Saphrite then threw it into the fire.

I started to walk away before I heard a roar from the fire and felt something hot hit the back of my leg. I yelped and turned to see the Saphrite, sitting in front of me on the ground, bright red from the heat.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, confused as to why the stone jumped out of the fire. I walked back over to the bed and grabbed the phone.

"Uh, I just kinda rediscovered the Saphrite and tried to throw it in the fireplace but it somehow was thrown from the fireplace, I'm confused, whats happening?" I texted Peter.

I waited a few minutes then got a response.

"I forgot about that thing, how was it thrown from the fire?" Peter responds.

"I have no idea, I was trying to destroy it, I guess for some reason I can't," I responded.

"Are you allowed to leave upstate?" He responds.

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