"She's a designer." Adrien replied, as if this explanation made sense.

"Of pillows?"

"No, of clothes."

"Calm down," Plagg repeated, in what he thought showed a saintly amount of patience. "You need to focus on something else."

"Yes," Adrien agreed eagerly, looking at the cat-like floating god.

"Good, go get me camembert." He could only resist for so long, and the opportunity was right there after all.


They were interrupted by a bell that signaled someone at the gate. Adrien swallowed, his mouth suddenly very dry, and wondered for the millionth time why he was so nervous. This was Marinette. His friend Marinette. And they had a mission, anyway. It wasn't like this was a date or anything.

Plagg zipped into his jacket pocket and Adrien tripped out of his room, speeding down the stairs a little too fast. Coming to an abrupt halt behind Natalie. His father's assistant was opening the door and spared a quick smirk over her shoulder at the boy as he tried to compose himself before she ushered the young lady into the lobby.

"Hey," clearing his throat, Adrien said again, "Hey, Marinette."

"Hey!" she quipped back, seemingly completely calm and not at all a mess like he felt. "It's very nice to officially meet you ma'am." She said politely to Natalie, who smiled and returned the sentiment.

Then, as if it suddenly caught her eye, Marinette ambled over to the corner, where some pictures of his father and his designs were displayed, as well as a few vintage pieces.

"Is that an original Coco Chanel sketch?!" she screeched. "Oh my goodness, and a Vionnet! Adrien," she turned, smacking his arm. "You never told me you had these!"

"It never came up?" he replied lamely, but smiling and enjoying her enjoyment as she chattered on about various collection by each designer, and their influences in her own designs. Her enthusiasm seemed to light up the entire foyer, bringing the sunshine into a home that had been in eternal winter for the last year. He didn't even notice that Natalie had left them alone and someone else had entered; he was so caught up in the Summertime of Marinette.


Gabriel, hearing the girlish squeals from outside of his office, made his way to the foyer of the house. Silently, he entered from the opposite corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Completely ignoring the exuberant brunette gushing over his fashion history collection, he looked at his son's face and was speechless. He hadn't see him smile like that in over a year, and didn't think he'd ever seen his face light up quite so bright before. Adrien was glowing.

He then turned his eyes to the girl his son was staring at with such a look, and couldn't help but smile. She was effervescent. Still in her awkward teenage years, she bore an innocent joy and beauty that reminded him instantly of his Adela when they'd met, not much older than these two were right now. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, but welcomed the memories nonetheless.

Adrien heard his intake of breath, and turned his head to see his father, with the most peculiar expression on his face. It looked bittersweet, but his father actually looked somewhat happy for the first time in a long time. Perplexed as to the dynamics of their current relationship, and saddened by the cold indifference that had suffused the house for over a year, Adrien smiled at his father regardless.

"Father," he said formally, as Marinette spun around to face Mr. Agreste. "Let me introduce Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a friend from school."

Mr. Agreste smiled what appeared to be an actually genuine smile in Marinette's direction. Adrien was slightly shocked, because the two had met before and Gabriel had not had this reaction to Marinette. Also, his father tended to have a general lack of fondness for Adrien's school friends, at least if his reception of Nino was anything to go off of. Confusing as it was, Adrien was still grateful for his father's sudden hospitality.

"Marinette, it's a pleasure to meet a fellow fashion lover." Gabriel said warmly, taking her hand in his for a moment.

Marinette blushed at officially meeting the famous Gabriel Agreste, and a version of him so different from his public persona or from what Adrien had told her.

"Marinette's a designer," Adrien announced proudly.

"Oh, right! I remember that fine hat you made," Gabriel intoned lightly.

"Amateaur, really." she admitted quickly.

"For now," Adrien replied, looking at her fondly.

"I'd be happy to look at you designs sometime, my dear." Gabriel continued.

"Really?" Marinette squeaked. "That would be--that'd be amazing, sir."

"Why don't you two come into my office? You can see some of the new designs for next season."

"Oh my gosh, yes! I mean, if that's okay Adrien," she amended, knowing how strained the current relationship between father and son was and not wanting to push Adrien too far.

"Of course," Adrien said, unable to say no to her excitement. Besides,he thought, this seems as good a time as any to try and squeeze some information out of Father.

He looked at Marinette and she nodded, having a similar thought, but also feeling unbelievably lucky that she could glimpse the new Agreste designs while still spending time and helping her crush/partner.

"Great!" she smiled, grabbed Adrien's hand and followed Gabriel practically bouncing, much to the amusement of Mr. Agreste.

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