Chapter Eleven

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Brittany's POV




Huh? What is that?


I opened my eyes to see it was still dark outside. I looked over to the door to catch a glimpse of black hair before it was gone.

Where is she going?

I got up and put my slippers on before quietly making my way to the door. As I pushed the door open I heard the familiar creaking sound. I squeeze my body through the doorway careful not to wake the others up.

I spotted Roxi tiptoeing down the path so I walked up behind her. "Where are you going?" I asked.

She squealed and jumped around to face me, placing a hand over her heart. "Oh thank god. I thought you were Lexi. Did you realise your voices are freakisly similar?"

"No shit, Sherlock. We're twins. But you didn't answer my question." I raised an eyebrow and tapped my foot impatiently.

"Oh yeah," She said as if just remembering her purpose for being out here, "I saw how Lexi was treating you earlier and it's not fair. I'm going to make sure she never messes with you again." She grinned evilly and I could just see a plan forming in her cunning little mind.

"Rox, you'll just make it worse." I shook my head, Imagining all the things she is capable of doing.

She shrugged, "Nothing she doesn't deserve. Oh, hey, now your here, we could flood the place!" She squealed in excitement at the prospect.

I waved my hands about frantically to gain her attention. "No, no, no. There is to be no flooding."

She looked disappointed for a second but then the smile came back to her face and I knew exactly what she was thinking so I continued my list, "No burning, no poisoning, no strangling, no freezing, no other things that may cause serious harm. Got it?"

"Fine!" She huffed, "What if I don't us any sorcery and just use my human capabilities?"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked cautiously.

"Well I used to love 'The Parent Trap...'" She muttered before whispering the plan to me.

This is going to be good.

Lexi's POV

I awoke with a start when a scream sounded from across the cabin.

"What the hell Blaze! When did you learn to scream like a girl?" I asked, pissed off at my rude awakening.

She was in to much shock to even think up a witty response. "C-co-cockroach!" She stuttered.

Cockroaches, the only thing Blaze is afraid of. How the hell did one get into our realm? Oh no!

My fears were answered when another scream sounded from Abagail who was covered in soft drink (she hates liquids apart from water) and yet another, high pitched, girly squeal from Chauntal who had spiders in a jar under her blanket.

Those little...

My train of thought got interrupted when I stepped out of bed and a water balloon fell on me.

They are going full on parent trap. Well the jokes on them because I have seen that movie a hundred times and know everything that happens.

I skillfuly dodge every balloon that falls on me (it wasn't very smart to put them in the same order) and as the giant last one falls, I move to the side, and once It bursts on the ground, I jump in the puddle and look to the window where the four suspects are watching carefully.

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