Chapter Four

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Water drops. That's all I can feel.

One just hit my forehead. Now my cheek. Now my...

"Ah!" I shot up and looked around frantically. I heard someone laughing from behind me and turned around so quickly my head could have spun off. "Geez! Abagail! I thought you were Brittany!"

She was standing there (still laughing, I might add) in all her morning beauty. She was still in her pyjamas, and her hair was still perfectly in place after the entire night. I spotted a glass of water in her hand... That's when I realised...

"You put water on me didn't you?" she simply nodded, mocking a 'are you going to get me in trouble' look.

I stood up, shaking my head and giggling to myself. I walked over to my dresser and started digging through clothes. As much as I hated the fact she tricked me, I was just glad it wasn't Brittany. Brittany...

"Hey, what happened to Brittany after I left yesterday?"

"Nothing much. Why do you care?" She places the cup down and came over to me at the dresser to shift through my clothes too.

"I don't. I was just curious..." Abagail saw right through me. She always knew exactly what I was thinking.

"She was fine. Boys were all over her just like normal, but who can blame them. A naive little blonde like her is an easy target."

"Did she seem upset at all when she came back from chasing me?"

"Eh. She seemed a little disheartened, but she perked up when she sat next to Emma."

I dropped the clothes I was holding and stared at her with wide eyes. Did she just say… "Emma? As in Emma, head cheerleader. Biggest bitch ever Emma!? Plant sorcerer Emma?!"

"Yeah, that Emma. I think they're, like, friends or something?"

"How?!" I yelled and collapsed onto my bed, shoving a pillow in my face.

"Don't ask me. I overheard something about cheerleading try outs." she shrugged.

My mouth opened, and I pulled the pillow up to my mouth to muffle my scream. I screamed for about 30 seconds until I finally calmed down, and lowered the pillow. "My sister is going to be a cheerleader?"

"Apparently she already was one in America."

"What!?" I knew we didn't communicate but couldn’t she have mentioned that yesterday?

"Don't shoot the messenger." she shrugged.

"That little..." I trailed off, "she is going to pay big time! Come on let's get ready for school. I think I have the perfect outfit for this occasion..."

Brittany's POV

"No!" I grabbed onto the counter as dad tried to pull me off it, using all his strength. He held me off the ground with one arm under my stomach and the other wrapped around my calves.

"Stop being so difficult Brittany." He said as he once again tried to pry me away.

"Nick!" We both shouted at the same time.

He entered the dining room; looking down at his phone. "Yeah what is..." he looked up and saw the scene before him. In one swift movement, he lifted my arms from the counter and placed me behind him.

I shot a death glare at my father and he sent an exhausted look back. Nick noticed this exchange and asked, "What the hell is going on here?"

I pointed my finger at my father, "He is trying to make me go back to school!"

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