The Return (3 hours later)

Start from the beginning

-"*Static*" It was all inaudible sounds.

-"Tell him that we're guiding him down." I said.

-"Unknown aircraft, in the event you can hear us, we are going to perform a controlled landing. Follow the drone, it will lead you to the runway." he said.

-"Setting the drone to autopilot." Another operator said.

-"Now we wait." I said to Compa.

-"I hope it's nothing serious." she said.

-" too." 

     Everyone in the room was now looking at the mainframe and every other planned flight was put on hold. We needed every airstrip we could get right now.

Logan P.O.V.

-"Unknown aircraft you have entered Planeptunian airspace. If you can hear me, please respond, over."  I received.

     Damn, my transponder is broken. The receiver is operational, but I can't transmit. I tried anyway to show some sign of response.

-"I hear you command, over." I said, knowing that all they'd hear is static.

     There was a brief pause before I heard something again.

-"Unknown aircraft, in the event you can hear us, we are going to perform a controlled landing. Follow the drone, it will lead you to the runway." Command said.

     Drone? I didn't see a drone anywhere. Just as I finished that thought, wouldn't ya know it, a drone flies in front of the cockpit and shows the way. I comply and follow it for another 2 hours before even seeing the runway! This is when things start to get complicated. I can already see fire trucks and military ready to act if anything goes wrong. I try to ignore that and focus on the runway.

-"Pilot, you are not to exit the aircraft until given the word." An operator told me.

-"Roger that command." I said, still knowing the futility.

     I lined up with the runway as best I could and landed ever so softly. I let out the braking parachute and turned on the wheel brakes. Eventually, I came to a halt around the middle mark of the runway. Now was the time to make my "first impression". I turned off the engines and waited. Through the windshield, I could see military surrounding the plane. Their formation is lousy. I heard someone talking over a megaphone.

-"Anyone and everyone on board, step out now!" I heard a female voice say.

-"Better not screw it up now, especially in front of a lady." I said.

     I stepped out of the cockpit and now stood in front of the plug door on the side of the plane. I disengaged the locks and pulled down the stair lever. Pressurized oxygen leaked out of the cracks, obstructing my view temporarily. Once the air had dissipated, I stepped down the stairs to see guns pointed at me from all sides. My legs felt really weak for some reason, I guess that's what sitting down for a long time does to you. What I didn't expect was to see a fairly cute and young girl pointing her 9 mm at my face.

 What I didn't expect was to see a fairly cute and young girl pointing her 9 mm at my face

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     I didn't say anything and just waited. I half expected her to just pop me in the head right then and there but she didn't. She just stared for a few moments. After a while of tension, she spoke.

-"Who are you?" she asked.

-"Logan. Logan Jameson." I said.

     Sounds of disbelief and awe came from both the soldiers around me and through this girl's earpiece.

-"Logan Jameson? Like, the Ace Logan Jameson?" she asked.

-"Yeah, that's me. I see being frozen for years gets you popular." I said.

-"Uh...miste- I mean, sir, you do know that you've been presumed dead for more than five years, right?"

     "Sir", huh? I guess it's protocol but I don't really care anymore. Just then, another young girl came running over to the one in front of me.

-"Iffy!" she yelled.

-"Compa? What are you doing here? I told you to stay inside." the first girl said.

-"I know, but look! Have you not noticed his injuries yet!?" she said, panicked.

-"Injuries?" I asked.

     I looked down and saw that somehow, without me noticing, a small pool of my own blood had formed at my feet. I guess that weakness from earlier wasn't just the piloting. Suddenly and randomly, my ears started ringing and my eyelids started closing. I felt my legs go limp as I fell onto my back right there on the tarmac. The last thing I saw was the two girls looking worried and trying their hardest to apply first aid. Hopefully I wake up in a hospital and not a prison bed.

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