Fly (6 years later)

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It feels great to step outside now, it's amazing to know that this amazing feeling is what I'm going to be feeling for the rest of my existence. These two at my side, Compa and IF, are the most important people of my life. We now protect Gamindustri as a whole. No longer under any oppression by the enemy, because there are none. Now we stay alongside our brothers and sisters and keep the peace. I always believed that we would someday have a sunrise worth looking at through our morning windows. But now it's even more beautiful than I could imagine. Even in this moment of bliss however, we must honor those who have fallen for the sake of the nation. Scratch, you will be remembered and I promise, I will make sure your owlets are raised with strength and care. Now I must go, my own children call.


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Logan P.O.V.

-"Alright you two, what is it?" I asked.

-"Daddy? What did you do when you were younger?" Angela asked me in her soft voice.

-"Well you see Angela, I fought...I fought for us, everything you see around you. I made sure that I used my powers to protect the people of not just Planeptune, but all of Gamindustri." I said.

-"Whoooooooa. Awesome! Did you beat up the bad guys?" Anthony asked me, booming with energy as always.

-"Yes son, I did. Everyone who dared to threaten the peace of Gamindustri or your mothers. They were some real bad guys. I made sure to be strong going through it." I said.

-"Will we be as strong as you Daddy?" Angela asked.

-"Yes Angela, you will. You too Ant." I said.

They were Praetorians like myself. They were destined to be protectors as I was before. They may not understand, but unlike my father, I plan to give a full explanation when the time comes. I haven't heard from my father ever since he left us. By now, I can only presume his demise has fallen upon him. I will remember the duty he has made me uphold and I will run through flames, ice and hell itself to keep the final promise I made to him. For now though, where's Compa and IF?

-"Kids? Do you know where your mothers are?" I asked.

-"Don't know, they left a while ago, told us not to...tell you...whoops." Ant said, letting words escape him.

-"They said they'd be back at 7." Angela said calmly.

I looked at the clock, it was 6:30...guess I'll wait. Besides, it's about time to feed the little owlets. I walk into the room where Stella, Scratch's widow, was tending to her owlets. Until they can fly, they'll live in our house. It's nice and open in their room. With a few renovations, it has multiple climbable platforms and plenty of open air coming in through the massive window that I mainly keep open so Stella can head out if she needs. Something's different though...she's not flying to me when I entered.

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