The Awakening (Present day)

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Reactivation in progress...

Failed to disengage pod locks...Attempting to troubleshoot...


Pod requires manual unlock...

Scanning for pod management or pod security personnel...

Life signs=0...

Widening scan for closest human...

Human found...location...pod...

Initiate protocol Z-X71

Disengaging cryosleep...

Warning, inhabitant not yet fully recovered...

Administering small amounts of anesthesia...

Human consciousness levels rising...

Logan P.O.V.

     Small amounts of light seep into my eyes as I open them. My energy slowly comes back to me as my eyes finally open all the way. I notice that the screen on the inside of the tube is frozen as well. Was that normal? I'll ask Zeke, see if he knows anything. I scraped off the ice with my fingers and checked systems. "Manual unlock required"? Great, the lab boys broke something again. Not wasting any time, I grabbed the lever over my head and pushed it outwards. Once that was in place I pushed on the glass and the tube opened with a bit of effort. Once I was out of the pod, I fell to my knees instantly. I guess not using your legs for a while isn't healthy. I got back up on my feet again and looked around...I could tell that something was different. The room was dim, the lights were out. Not out as in turned off, they were broken. Ignoring that, I walked towards the door to the main medical facility. It didn't open for me. I had to use the strength I had to force it open. Now I'm suspicious. I made my way through the empty and dusty halls and finally arrived at the observation post. It was supposed to overlook the main research facility. It was originally meant for tourists but we got so few of them, we just made it into a command post. I entered the room and got closer to the window. I couldn't believe what I saw. Pretty much everything in sight was destroyed. The only building that was left standing apart from the one I was in was the hanger.

-"What happened to this place...what happened to everyone else?" I asked myself.

     The next thing I noticed were more than a dozen broken, frozen warships half beached. I used the still functional telescope and got a closer look. 

-"That isn't Planeptunian armor...what's that symbol?" I asked as I noticed it. I zoomed in even more to get a closer look.

     I knew that symbol by heart. It was the one that made my pupils shrink.

 It was the one that made my pupils shrink

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We're In a Team (IF and Compa x Writer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora