What Happened? (2 days later)

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     I made it out of the surgery fine but I just kept asking myself one question. Why were Leanbox at the base? I'm going to find out, soon. I have a plan however. I learned that Lady Vert comes over frequently due to Lady Neptune inviting her along with everyone else over. That was the perfect opportunity to sneak into Leanbox's Basilicom and get what intel I can. I'm getting the help of a professional for these missions. Having the title of the "greatest technological researcher ever to have lived". For whatever that was worth. I never understood the newest tech anyway. I arrived to his lab and approached him at his post.

-"Mister Don?" I asked, not sure that it was him.

-"Hm?" he asked, turning to face me.

-"Oh! Logan! You're here! Perfect timing, come come! I'll show you my newest creation!" he seemed pretty enthusiastic about this.

     He brought me over to a glass encasing containing a standard wrist watch. Ummm...I'm gonna assume there's more than meets the eye.

I'm gonna assume there's more than meets the eye

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-"What is this?" I asked.

-"Invisibility device! Finally Planeptune has some sort of advanced stealth technology!" he said with excitement.

-"Alright, calm down. How does it work?" I asked.

-"Here, I show you!" he said as he took the watch out of its casing.

     He handed me the watch and I put it on. I felt that there was some sort of pointy thing poking my wrist under the watch.

-"Hey Logan? Could you give me the time?" he asked.

     I raised the watch I had on to my eye level and saw that it had no time on it! This is a fake! I was about to throw it off until I saw myself slowly become transparent! I was slightly worried but I trusted Don.

-"Thanks Logan, lower your hand now, it's rude to point." he said, still role playing.

     I lowered my arm and sure enough, my body returned to opacity. This would help greatly.

-"Thank you doctor. This will certainly help. Farewell." I said.

-"Hold on a minute son...there's something I think you should see." he said, sliding a curtain to the side. 

     On the other side was a massive pod, a cryo-pod. 

-"I thought you'd want to see him one last time." he said.

     I soon came to realize that inside the pod...was Zeke. He was asleep, frozen, like I was back many years ago.

-"Wh-what happened to him?! What do you mean "one last time"? What are you doing to him?" I asked, wanting answers.

-"I'm sorry Logan...Zeke's dead...decomposing. His last request was, and I quote:"I want to go out like the only person that felt like a brother to me...put me in the tube." I had no choice. This was his last request, I could not ignore."

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