Chapter 17

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Marinette's POV

Tikki was hurting and I had no idea what to do. The kwami was shaking in my palm and eyes were squeezed shut. This alleyway didn't offer much for protection when I untransformed. I did my best to shield my kwami from others seeing it. 

"Tikki?" I spoke in a hushed tone. 

"Marinette, you need his ring. There's only one way to stop Hawkmoth now. Nooroo was forced to unlock another power, one much like Chat's cataclysm." Tikki spoke while it winced in pain.

"What? And how do I manage to get it from him? What  is your pain from?"

"Visions. Every kwami gets them, but Plagg and I get them more and far worse. Get him away from the battle and I'll explain."

"Alright. I don't think I can get you a cook, Tikki."

"You'll find something. There are plenty of shops here."

I spied a small bakery, one that is not my parents, and there was no one in it and the door was open. But I couldn't bring myself to steal, so I rung the bell on the counter. A young girl, probably 7 or 8, came around the corner.

"Can I help you? Mama is making stuff in the back." the girl spoke in a squeaky voice. She hopped onto a stool behind the counter. 

"Can I get two cookies?" I asked, pulling out 3 euros. 

"That will be 2.50, miss."

I handed her the three euros and received 50 cents in return. Pointing to the chocolate chip cookies, she pulled 2 out and handed them to me. As soon as she came, she bounced out to the way she came from.

Tikki flew out and I handed her a cookie. The other one was for me. I was craving something sweet. This cookie tasted pretty good and I almost wanted to buy another one for me. Tikki munched on the cookie and finished when I finished mine. 

"Ready?" I asked, and Tikki nodded. 

Transforming, I hopped over to the Louvre. On the ground was Volpina. Fake Volpina and her clones were gone, so that was good. That meant that Fake Volpina was defeated. Queen Bee had some wounds on her face and Chat was passed out against the wall. 

"Guys?" I spoke, hopping down.

"We got them, but Volpina took the most hits. Mirror Wave helped, but she's going to transform back soon. Chat's exhausted himself and I didn't get away free of harm. " Queen Bee spoke, rubbing the few scratches on her face. The blood was half dried, but it still was bleeding. Volpina was lying there, weak enough to not do much. Chat was sleeping from the looks of it.

"So where are the akumas?"

"Volpina's remaining mirror selves have them."

Walking over to the remaining Volpinas, one dropped an akuma, and I swiftly purified it before it could escape. One by one did the Volpina's drop their akuams and I purified them. Once all of the akumas were purified, I turned all of the Volpinas into an orange smoke. Walking back slowly, I felt like I was being watched. 

"Chat?" I spoke, shaking him gently. His eyes fluttered open, and looked me right in the eyes. After that, he slightly yawned.

"M'lady?" He whispered, slowly opening his eyes each blink. 

"We need to talk about something important." And in the corner of my eye, I saw Queen Bee drag Volpina into a corner and shielding her...

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