Chapter 13

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Marinette's POV

I woke up to the sound of beeping. Why was there beeping? It didn't sound like my alarm on my phone. Opening my eyes even more, I noticed I was in a hospital room. Feeling my ears, fearing the worst, my earrings weren't there. Starting to panic, I looked at the desk next to my bed and saw them there. I sighed in relief, but I didn't see Tikki.

Quickly putting them on, a doctor came in with a clipboard. He then spoke, "You're awake, I see. I am Doctor Pacon and you had a bit of pink stuff in you. But once we sucked all of it out of you, you started to breathe just fine. So, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts a little bit, but that's about it. I think." I spoke, focusing on Dr. Pacon.

"I see. You head most likely hurts from getting more oxygen than from when you had the pink stuff in you. Just your brain being unprepared for the normal amount of oxygen consumption. Anyways, an old man and a young boy brought you in, Would you like to see them?"

"Yessir. Can my parents be called?"

"Of course. Do you need a glass of water?"

"Yes please."

He spoke to the nurse in the room and nodded back to me. When the nurse left, right behind the doctor, I started to look around for Tikki. Where is Tikki? Perhaps Tikki is with Adrien. Sighing, I turned on the TV and saw the news. The headline read: Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste?

Wait a minute. Did Gabriel transform in front of civilians? What about Adrien? Was he going to fight his father again? As I pondered, the nurse came in with a glass of water. Gratefully, I took it and had a sip of it. My once dry throat flourished after that drink. 

Before the nurse left, I asked, "What's going on?"

She replied, after turning around, "Hawkmoth transformed in front of the Dupain bakery. So far, there hasn't been any conflict. But it looks like on might happen between him and his son, but his son doesn't have the advantage against him. That's all that they are telling us right now."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, miss."

She nodded and closed the door behind her when she left. I continued to watch the TV and didn't realize the time until the Guardian came in. The headline was still about Hawkmoth being Gabriel Agreste. They were talking about how it would affect his company and a whole bunch of statistics. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, walking over to a chair in the corner.

"Well, better is probably a good answer. But where is Adrien? And Tikki?" I spoke, soon realizing that Adrien wasn't there with him. 

"Adrien went to your parents. I have reason to believe that he is about to get into a conflict with Hawkmoth. Tikki went with him, so that if something went wrong that Tikki would grab your earrings and give them to Adrien. Both of them combined would give him god powers."

"Oh no. I need to get out of here."

"Don't. He is after you more." Wayzz spoke, flying out of Fu's Hawaiian shirt.


"If Tikki isn't back when they start fighting, then..." Wayzz then interrupted Fu.

"Don't even think about it, Master. You know it won't come to that."

"But if it doesn't, then we have no choice or option."

"Very well, Master."

"What?" I asked, looking at the two of them.

"If Tikki can't return for any reason, you will do in with my miraculous."

"I-I guess if there is no other option."

The Guardian got up and went to the door. Before he left, he spoke, "Don't worry about anything. Just focus on getting better."

I nodded and watched him leave. Almost soon after, my parents came in. For being really old, he sure was slick. Maman and Papa came over to me, hugging me tightly. How exactly they got out, I had no clue. Hopefully, there would be no need for conflict...


I had this written out yesterday, but I got caught up in what I did yesterday. But here it is!

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