Chapter 4

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Marinette's POV

I sat in my room, head in my pillow. There was no way that he was Chat Noir. But he is? My thoughts were convoluted, and I didn't know what to do. Then I heard a knock on my window. Getting up, I saw that it was Chat Noir, er, Adrien. Instead, I locked the window and any point of access there was. Then I closed the curtains so he wouldn't be able to see me. He had no need to since I heard him matter that I wasn't his lady. It made no sense as to why he would want to see me.

"Open up, Marinette. Please." He spoke loud enough that my parents wouldn't hear.

"No need. After all, I am not your lady." I spoke harshly into my pillow.

"How did you hear me?" He asked, almost solemnly.

"I have sensitive hearing."

Then the talking stopped, almost as fast as it began. Turning over, I sighed. If he came into my room right now, I would shove him out. Adrien nor Chat Noir should be near be at all. I would be patrolling tonight, and that he would probably show up.

"Tikki, what do I do?" I moaned into the pillow.

"Well, you could always talk to him about it. Or as civilians, go somewhere to do it. Just think of a positive way to talk to him or show him what you mean and are!" Tikki spoke optimistically, boosting my spirits.

"Maybe you are right, but as our civilian selves, Chloe will be clinging onto him."

Tikki flew in front of me and spoke, "Well, I guess there is that. But there are other ways. You have a thing called the internet, and you can figure something out there."

"I guess you are right."

"Marinette! Alya is here!" Maman spoke, very much loudly.

I unlocked the hatch to my room and let Alya in. She was rambling on how Hawkmoth was defeated but an akuma had gotten to me. Alya was talking so fast that I could''t hear half the things she was saying.

"So, how was it like to be saved by Chat Noir?" Alya asked suspiciously.

"It was fine, I guess. It is nothing special." I replied, shrugging.

"Nothing special?! Girl, you were saved by Chat Noir, a freakin superhero!"

"He and Ladybug save Paris all the time. What is another akuma to them?"

"That's the thing, Mari. Ladybug wasn't there. But you were. My suspicions are tingling and you know what that means."

"Haha. Good luck finding out who Ladybug is."

"Well, I have an idea. It is you, isn't it?"

I turned red, and I could feel it too. How did she know? There had to be something else that led her to that conclusion. Unless she pieced everything together.

"How did you find out?" U managed to gasp, shocked that Alya found out.

"I started to piece everything together. Your absences, looks, attitude, and everything. It all fell into place, But Mari, I need to tell you something." Alya replied, twiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, Alya?" I replied.

"I found this on my bed and I don't know what it is. Like, I want to open it, but I'm scared."

She pulled out a box, and not just any box. It held a miraculous, and I knew it all too well. I shoved it back into her hand, knowing that she would open it sooner or later. If she opened it now, I would know who she would be. I guess it would be the same if she opened it at home.

"Open it at home. It's safe, okay. I don't need to know until you use it." I replied calmly.

"What do you mean by 'use it', Mari?" Alya asked, looking me keenly in the eye.

"You'll see, Alya. Trust me, it is safe."

"Okay, but if I die, know that you are responsible."

I laughed as Alya checked her phone. She was reading something off her phone. When she looked up, she told me that she had to go because her mom was starting to make dinner. I waved goodbye and checked the time on my phone. 18:37, so it was getting kinda late and Maman would be calling me down for diner soon.

"Tikki, what do you think about Alya knowing?" I asked my kwami.

"I think that you could have handled it better but I think you can trust her since she has a miraculous now. There must be a lost more trouble than we originally thought." Tikki replied.

I was going to say something else but then Maman called me down for dinner. What I was going to say would have to wait for later...

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