Chapter 7

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Adrien's POV

It has been an hour since Marinette took off, and Alya is looking kinda worried. I almost wanted to transform and go look for her, but then Alya would know. Alya was rubbing a necklace, one that I have never noticed on her before. Plagg was whispering something to me, but I ignored the cat kwami.

"I am worried. She transformed and left." Alya spoke, still rubbing her necklace.

"I am sue she will be fine. She is Ladybug after all." I responded, sitting down next to Alya.

"You knew that she was Ladybug?"

"Not for long. I've only known for a day or two at most."

"You're Chat Noir, aren't ya? No one just says that in a casual conversation."

"You got me. What else do you want to know, you sly fox?"

"Where's your kwami?"

"Plagg, come on out." I spoke and my kwami came out of my jacket.

"Trixx, come out. It's fine." Alya spoke, and an orange creature came. She had a miraculous? That explains the new necklace.

"Well, I am going to go search for her. Can you stay here and make up an excuse if Sabine comes up here?"

"Okay, I guess I can. And if Marinette returns?"

"Transform and give a call. Your weapon, or item, can make calls to other people or miraculous holders. You got that?"

"Yeah. I think I got it."

I nodded, "Plagg, Claws Out!"

After transforming, I ran onto the rooftop and looked around. Where would she be? Using my night vision, I scanned the small amounts of people in the streets. Not there. Maybe at the Louvre? No, she wouldn't be there. She would want a vantage point. The Eiffel Tower? Bingo, that sounds better.

Propelling myself forwards using my baton, I headed towards the Eiffel Tower. When I was a few blocks away, I used my baton and zoomed in on the Eiffel Tower. She was there, sitting on the edge.

I started to run and extended my baton so I could get up to her height. She turned around, but before she could go anywhere, I hugged her. Right on top of the Eiffel Tower, I hugged her.

"Chat, stop. Please." Marinette, transformed as Ladybug, softly whispered.

"No. I am not letting go. You are justing going to run, because you can't handle me. And I am sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have stopped you. I should've let you hide and feed your kwami enough to transform back."

She laid her head on my chest, "I shouldn't be mad, but I can't help it. I don't know what to do. You stopped me from hiding and transforming back. Now Hawkmoth knows both of our identities and can literally steal them from us whenever he wants."

I grabbed her head and kissed her on the lips. She didn't resist, but wrapped her self around my waist. I moved and slammed her against a metal beam of the Eiffel Tower. Thankfully, no one was up her or watching us that I know of.

Releasing the kiss, she laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I could tell that she was extremely tired from all that went on the past few days. All Marinette needed was someone to lean on, and now she does. Although, this could just be her tired self. She held onto me as I used my baton to travel across Paris to her home. When I landed, I spoke, "Plagg, Claws In."

Marinette fel asleep in my arms, still transformed as Ladybug. Alya shrieked and grabbed Marinette from my hands and laid her on her bed, head on pillow and blanket on top of her.

Alya winked, "Why don't you go sleep with her."

"Alya! You little, sly fox!" I playfully shoved her and she laughed.

"You do want to though. I can tell. Go, I'll sleep down here on the smaller bed."

I sighed and climbed up the ladder and laid down next to her. She was no longer transformed, and I put my hand over her. Marinette was deep asleep now, and I was going to be very soon...

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