Chapter 2

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Marinette's POV

I ran home after defeating Hawkmoth, after my identity was revealed to Chat, and finding out that Chat Noir was really Adrien Agreste. There were mixed emotions, so I texted Alya saying I got sick from lunch.

"Tikki, I don't understand. How could Adrien be Chat Noir? They are nothing alike!" I spoke to my kwami.

"Marinette, I knew from the beginning when I sensed Chat Noir's kwami's presence. I couldn't tell you about him until the reveal." Tikki replied, "But I kinda did give hints, especially by letting you crush on him."


I remained silent and looked out my window. Mom came up, asking why I was still here. I told her my excuse and then she left. I thought of all the ways I could try and remedy the situation. But there was none. Now I am going to have to deal with the reveal.

"Marinette, look out!" Tikki spoke, and I turned to see an akuma.

"Just let this be over with..." I said in submission.

The akuma went into my earrings and I heard Tikki's voice, urging me to deny him. I said I was sorry to Tikki and one voice that I knew all too well spoke to me. When Hawkmoth was done, I accepted and turned into Miss Fortune.

"I will destroy this city and make sure no one will be okay ever again!" I yelled as I jumped off my rooftop.

I used my yo-yo to cut buildings in half and to tie up citizens. No one will be able to oppose me, not even Chat Noir! Coming close to the very school I attended, I used my yo-yo to get on the roof. One of the school's administrators saw me and I grinned. When they screamed, I hid behind a wall.

"Aah!" The administrator screamed while running.

Clutching my yo-yo, I swung to the ground and tied her up. Then I saw kids running, so I decided to swing away to avoid being caught. As I swung across the city, I saw people hide. Good, just amazing. Soon, they would know who the new master and ruler of Paris, no France, was!

"Don't forget what you are doing! Or I will remove your powers!" Hawkmoth spoke harshly.

"I know, Hawkmoth. I just am thinking of a plan to expose him to the world!" I smiled and threw my yo-yo to the Eiffel Tower and cut it.

Then I heard a familiar voice, "My lady?"

I turned around, "I am no one's lady, Chat Noir!"

Running towards him, I threw my yo-yo to tie him up but he dodged it. Sometimes he would try to get close by using his baton, but he wouldn't get any closer. Good, and soon I would have his miraculous. Then Hawkmoth would let me do whatever I wanted after I gave him that ring. Anything I wanted, pleased, or desired because everyone would fear me and no one would be able to stop me!

"My lady, why full of hate?" Chat spoke in a soothing tone, but I wouldn't fall for that.

"It's all because of you, you alley cat!" I hissed and threw my yo-yo.

"But aren't you supposed to be the good guy? Saving Paris, not destroying it! Please, my lady, come back to me. Please."

How he got close enough to me to rest his head on my chest, I did not know. Hawkmoth was yelling at me to grab his miraculous, but I couldn't for some reason. Chat held me close to him, and it felt comfortable, warm, pure. Then he grabbed my earrings and got the akuma out.

Falling to the ground, Chat caught me mid-fall. He didn't look happy that it was me, but I just let the exhaustion hit me and darkness swooped in...

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