Chapter seventeen|| Rocks And My Window.

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What is going on? i thought to myself as i walked over and looked out the window. No one was there.

i looked down and Luke was there. i rolled my eyes. I walked outside and looked at him. He had been crying.

"i am really sorry." he said and i looked at him.

"i don't know what to say to you." i said "I just cant believe that you were mad at me at something that Harry did." i said and he shook his head.

"i am really sorry for that." he said and i rolled my eyes and walked inside. "please forgive me." he said.

"its not you i cant forgive." i said and i slammed the door and walked inside.

I love the fact that he came to find me but that is not the point. I need an apology from Harry not just Luke. I cant go back there unless i get one from both of them.. even if that did happen i would still not be sure about any of it. What if Harry does it again? i just i don't know.

I started crying and ran up to the room... i saw Luke sitting on the curb. I walked down stairs and out the door so that i was sitting next to him, He looked at me.

"I don't know what to do... i want you back." he said and he looked at me. "Don't Cry." he said and he hugged me.

"i am just scared that he will do it again." i said and he laughed.

"i wouldn't be worried about him." he said and i looked at him.

His phone rang and he looked at it.

"What?" he talked into it. "No.. i am not the one who needs to hear that from you....well try again. I really don't care. She needs to hear it not me. You ever lay a finger on her again and i will hurt you Styles. I forgive you, but if i hear that you even came close to touching her i will seriously hurt you. Bye. Yes here." he said and he handed me the phone.

"What?" i asked.

"i am really sorry." Harry said. "i don't know what i was thinking." he said and i looked at Luke.

"i don't know what to say to you." i said.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked. i thought for a moment.

"Remember Luke's words and he wont be the only one that will hurt you... i will too." i said and Luke smiled. "Yes... i forgive you." i said. "bye." i hung up and handed the phone to Luke.

"So.." he said.

"so?" i asked and he looked at me.

"Are we good?" he asked me.

"i don't know are we?" he said and he kissed me.

"EW get a room." Johana said and we both looked at her and laughed.

"If you don't mind can i stay here for tonight?" he asked her and she nodded.

We walked inside.

Johana pulled me to the side.

"Luke Hemmings is in my house!" she said and i laughed and went upstairs with him.

"Here." he said lifting up the blanket for me to get in. I climbed in and and wrapped his arm around my waist as i turned and put my head in his chest and he laughed. I smiled and he looked at me.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." i said and he pulled me even closer if that was even possible... i don't think that we could get any closer than we already were. I laughed as he kissed my head. And he started singing Wherever you are and i smiled at him and he just looked at me and sang. I smiled and put my head on the pillow as he sang. He pulled me closer and i didnt really think that that was possible to do. I looked up at him and he sang i smiled. He stopped sining and i looked at him and back so i was looking straight.

"goodnight." i said.

I looked at him.

"goodnight love." he said. And he sang it again and i fell asleep in his arms.

Tonight I'm a Superhero (A Luke Hemmings and Harry Styles Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now