Chapter five

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"I..i... guess, i mean yes i would love too." i said. Harry Styles just asked me to stay at a hotel with him and the other boys who would refuse?!

Luke laughed at me from the back seat. i looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him.

He laughed at me even harder and i just rolled my eyes.

We pulled up to a hotel and we went into the hotel and i looked at Harry.

"i need to tell my brother that i am staying with a friend." i said he nodded and then i walked into the hall.

the phone rang about three times before i got an answer.

"Hello?" my brother said 

"hi, i wont be home until tomorrow morning." i said.

"Ok where are you?' he asked 

"i am at a hotel with a friend." i said 

"ok see you tomorrow morning." he said and hung up.

i went back into the room to find Harry on one of the only two beds in the room. well that's new. i walked in and set my bag on the floor.

"is anyone else rooming with us for the night?" i asked

"um yeah Luke." i said 

"i will sleep here, Luke can sleep on the other bed and you can sleep with one of us." he said 

"um i will sleep on the couch if that is okay, i dont want to take up more room than i need to." i said.

"Oh don't be silly." he said kind of laughing

"No i am completely serious." i said and he just looked at me like he was hurt.

"No." he said and right then Luke walked in and laughed at me because i was glaring at Harry as he walked passed me.

Harry went over and whispered something in Luke's ear and he looked at me.

"What?!" he asked.

i gave him a questioning look.

"Why would you want to sleep on the couch?" Luke asked

"Cause you need to sleep on the beds." i said as i set my bag on the couch.

"Yeah but no." Luke said 

"Your our guest so you need the bed." Harry said 

Yeah well he is Harry Styles and needs to sleep on the bed.

"Yeah well your the one and only Harry Styles and Luke Hemmings." i said "You are getting the beds and i will not take no for an answer." i said 

"No." they both said 

"Fine." i said just giving up.

"here." Harry said before throwing a shirt at me.

"For?" i asked

"You need something to sleep in don't you?" he asked and i nodded.

I walked into the bathroom and changed the shirt. It was like a dress on me. Dang.

*Harry's P.O.V*

Wow! its a dress on her. She looks pretty though. is that a bad thing?! i don't know.

*Luke's P.O.V*

i watched Harry's reaction to Olivia wearing his shirt it was kind of funny. He mouth dropped. She did look reall pretty though and tomorrow we will have to say goodbye.....


Wow short chapter. What do you think is going to happen next? i think your in for a suprise.

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