" I TOLD YOU TO STOP !" I shouted again getting closer

" Ahh. He's crazy fast" one guy said

"what. After seeing him in that last game I didn't think he could run at all" another guy said

One guy turned around with guns in his hands

" I got this. Let's see if he can outrun a bullet" the guy said

I just punched him right in the face knocking him out

" GET OUT OF MY WAY " I growled and kept running


I was almost in reach

" he's catching up. This guy's insane. We need to get the lead out " one guy said

" what will do? " one guy asked

" We gotta dump these other two, " another guy said

" You idiots were supposed to grab the girl in the infirmary " one guy yelled


" but this old broad and the cat aren't girls " one guy yelled

" then why did we grab um" one guy argued

" well there all technically females " the other argued back

" they aren't no girl though, " the other said

I finally caught up with them

" who hired you to do this?" I asked

They all started yelling and then there was a big explosion because I blew them away with my fire

I hope ( Y / N ) ' s doing ok in her fight. What am I saying it's ( Y / N )? She'll be fine.

( Y / N ) ' s P.O.V

Man, this guy is strong. We're both beat up pretty bad but we can both still fight

" Oh I'm going to have a wild time tonight, " Bacchus said standing up

" Not if I have anything to say about it" I yelled

" Fire Dragon Brilliant flame" I shouted and it hit him straight on.

He came straight back at me and did some sort of move throwing me across the arena.

" What are we boys?" I heard him asked him, guild,

"WILD " They answered

I overheard Erza telling Lucy and Gray that Bacchus uses alcohol to become stronger. And that gave me an idea.

I ran at him and jumped up in the air

" Fire dragon brilliant flame,
Fire dragon claw,
Fire dragon wing attack,
Fire dragon sword horn,
Fire dragon flame elbow,
Fire dragon crushing Fang
Fire dragon ROAR!" I yelled
all the moves I could think of.

" Oh my. ( Y / N ) Dragneel is so fast we can barely see her," the announcer says through the mic

The arena fills with smoke from the fire.


Once the smoke cleared Bacchus was standing there looking beat as ever but still standing

" Hey listen I never got to sit my side if the deal. If I win your guild changes it's named to Quatro Puppy and has to dress up as girls for one whole day" I said with a smirk

" what!"

The entire Quatro Sufferers guild shouted

"Ok ok you got yourself a deal," Bacchus says as he reaches for is alcohol only to find it'd disappeared

" Huh. Where'd my booze go?" He asked himself

I smirked and held up the bottle

" looking for this, " I said smugly

Everyone was shocked that I got hold of it besides ( E / N ) because she's known me basically all my life.

"Ho-how did you get hold of that " Bacchus stuttered

I just continued to smirk

" That's for me to know and you to find out, " I said and crushed the bottle. The alcohol went all over the floor. Then I fire dragoned his ass and won the match. I was completely exhausted

" She's done it. ( Y / N ) Dragneel has won the fight and scored fairytail team A 10 points " The announcer yells

I could hear my guild cheering

I did it. I beat someone as strong as Erza. That's something I'm never going to hear the end of.

Hey guys. Thank you so much for your patience with updates. I hope you enjoyed. See you guys soon

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