Chapter 3

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I came home from the radio station, seeing my mom was gone. Again. Oh well. I shrugged off my backpack and ran out of the door, making sure the windows were barricaded right.

"CAAAARLOSSSSS!" I yelled into his house, and I ran into his room. He snorted in his sleep and I slowed down to stare at him. He just- ugh, so beautiful, and sometimes I wish I could look like that.

He blinked and screamed when he saw me in his room, trying to cover up with a blanket he was laying on and rolled off the bed. So majestic, right?

"Hello, perfect Carlos, I'd like to know if you'd like to go to dinner tonight?" I asked, shifting from foot to foot. My voice didn't crack this time, and it seems to deepen now whenever I speak now.

All he did was blush and stutter, "We-ell, can I get so-some pants and a sh-shirt on? I on-only have boxers on." Aww! I love it when he blushes.

"Sure. Why don't you wear your lab coat that's in your closet? I like it."

Carlos, shaking his dark locks, said, "I won't even ask how you know that." He got up and went to grab the coat and his glasses sitting on the windowsill.

I jumped onto his bed, fixing my glasses as I did. "Soooo, where'd you come from, perfect Carlos?" I asked, staring at his ceiling. I counted holes in the ceiling tiles.

"I'm from North Dakota. I don't think you would know where that is, seeing what the schools teach you."

"973." I thought that was a good number for holes in a ceiling tiles.

"Cecil, you know you're weird, right?" Carlos asked, making me run a hand through my hair.

"I'm just as normal as the next citizen of Night Vale! I'm pretty okay, I think." I protested, and Carlos laughed. I like his laugh.

"Cecil, it was a compliment."


Cecilos, a welcome to night vale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now