Chapter 21

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Honeypaw discarded the herb scraps before taking another look at Snakewhisker's leg. It was still broken, but Pebblestep told her it was healing. The medicine den had cleared out, leaving only the medicine cats and Snakewhisker once again. It was quiet and Honeypaw enjoyed it. She was finally able to sleep peacefully again, her fight with Falconpaw had left her distressed and confused, and Bramblepelt's death made it even worse for her.

However, after speaking with her mother and her brother afterwards; she finally felt better. She had finally patched issues up with Falconpaw, and her confidence in her medicine cat skills were starting to return as well. She changed Snakewhisker's herb dressings with confidence and could easily treat the wounded cats when they still stayed with her.

Now, there wasn't much for her to do other than treat Snakewhisker, she was done twice a day and not always by her. Right now, her medicine cat duties remained gathering herbs and moss, but she wasn't complaining. She knew that Dawnstar had gone to talk to Riverstar in their camp, but she didn't know how everything would play out. Honeypaw really didn't want another battle. She didn't want to risk losing another SunClan warrior, it was a hard situation to deal with.

Snakewhisker stretched out in his nest, looking up at Honeypaw. "So, how are things between you and Falconpaw?" He questioned. "I know you talked it out, but is he staying nice?"

Honeypaw sat down, resting her tail over her paws. "We haven't really had a chance to talk since then, he's been busy and so have I." She looked out the entrance of the medicine cat den. "But I think we're still okay."

"That's good, then." Snakewhisker replied. "Do you think he meant his apology?" Honeypaw looked back at Snakewhisker with a bit of confusion.

"What do you mean? Do you think he lied?" She inquired. "Why would he lie about apologizing."

"Well, you said that your mother talked to him before that." Snakewhisker blinked. "I just don't want him to only have apologized because Dawnstar made him, I want him to have meant it."

Honeypaw thought for a moment, Dawnstar must have talked to him. Which encouraged him to apologize, but was it really a fake apology? She thought back to when Falconpaw did apologize, his words had seemed sincere. "I don't think he was lying, I think it was a genuine apology. I could tell, I just think he's busy."

Snakewhisker nodded, his green eyes soft. "That's good, I hope he keeps it up. From what I hear, he's a good fighter, but let's hope he's a good brother." Snakewhisker rested his chin on his paws. "You two should try and spend some together soon."

Honeypaw let out a purr. "I'll try my best, maybe we'll share some prey after he's done with training."

"Sounds like a plan." Snakewhisker yawned. "Now, if you excuse me I'm going to take a nap. Those poppy seeds are kicking in."

"Alright, Snakewhisker." Honeypaw nodded kindly. "I'll find some way to keep my paws busy."

Snakewhisker curled the best he could into his nest, closing his eyes. Honeypaw stood up and padded out of the medicine cat den, allowing him some time to fall asleep. As she exited she noticed Falconpaw with his head low and an annoyed look in his eyes. Honeypaw padded up to him.

"Everything okay?" She questioned as she got closer to her brother. Falconpaw looked up, there was a hint of annoyance in his amber eyes for a split second before he looked away.

"I guess, Cherryleaf is making me gather moss today." He semi-growled. "Not something I want to be doing."

Honeypaw hid an amused purr. "Well, if you want I could go with you, the medicine den could use some new moss." Falconpaw looked at her, he seemed to contemplate saying yes or not, but eventually nodded his head.

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now