Chapter 20

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Falconpaw woke up from his dream, feeling more energized than ever. His blood was racing and his heart pounding his chest, the last time he felt like this was when he was in the battle. Something he had been longing for, Falconpaw stood up in his nest and glanced over at his denmates. Mudpaw was still sleeping, but Earthpaw was gone, she must have been on the dawn patrol. Falconpaw left the den, looking up at the sky. The early air was still crisp and cool, he took a deep breath, inhaling the scents of the forest. He began the walk back the camp, eager for his training today; whatever it may be.

In camp, SunClan was just getting up and about with their daily duties. As he walked further into camp, the dawn patrol returned. It was led by Cinderflame, with Adderstrike, Briarrose and as he guessed: Earthpaw and Heatherflight. Cinderflame's face seemed to hold a bit of annoyance, she dismissed her patrol then stalked over to Dawnstar's den. Her pawsteps were heavy and seemingly angry. Falconpaw's tail twitched in confusion, what had happened on the patrol that annoyed Cinderflame so much? He shrugged it off and began looking for Cherryleaf. He spotted her talking with Cloudspots and Yarrowtail as they laughed together.

Falconpaw padded over to her, making sure not to interrupt their conversation, he waited until Cherryleaf acknowledged him. "Oh, good, you're up Falconpaw. We're going on the next patrol with Lionclaw. It won't be until sun-high, but be ready to go."

Falconpaw lifted his head up. "Are we going to the AshClan border?" He questioned, wishing he could see an AshClan patrol, something he hadn't seen since the battle. Maybe even Cloverstrike or Nightpaw.

"Not this time," Cherryleaf replied. "The dawn patrol checked the AshClan border today, we're marking the MoonClan border." Falconpaw's spirit dropped a little, MoonClan wasn't nearly as interesting as AshClan, but at least he would be doing something interesting. He turned away from his mentor, wondering how he would spend his time until sun-high when it was time to patrol. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and looked towards Dawnstar's den. She emerged with Lionclaw and Cinderflame at her side. Each one of them wore the same annoyed look on their faces. Falconpaw watched in confusion as Dawnstar climbed the SunTree.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" It didn't take long for the majority of the Clan to gather. Falconpaw saw Sandfoot make her way to the SunTree and the group of kits try and shove their way out of the nursery. Pebblestep and Honeypaw poked their heads out of the medicine cat den, but didn't go far. Falconpaw moved closer, sitting beside Cherryleaf.

"What's going on?" Rainears questioned, there wasn't any planned ceremonies as far as Falconpaw was concerned. It wasn't time for Larkkit, Sorrelkit and Pikekit to become apprentices, was it?

"AshClan clearly did not learn their lesson." Dawnstar began, angered and surprised gasps broke out throughout the SunClan crowd. "They've been pushing their border farther and farther into our territory."

"Are we going to invade their territory?" Redclaw questioned. "Are we going to fight back?"

"Fighting back is a mouse-brained idea." Snowtail added. "Some wounds are still healing."

"Maybe it will teach them a lesson." Flamepetal growled from the back of the crowd. "They killed Bramblepelt, I think they need a re-teaching of the warrior code." Falconpaw was surprised to see Flamepetal's words so harsh, she was normally kind like her sister.

"There will be no battle with AshClan yet." Dawnstar mewed. "However, it is time for SunClan to take action against them. I will be gathering a patrol to go into AshClan's camp and demand to speak to Riverstar about her actions. If you would like to come with me, speak now."

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon