Chapter 9

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The forest was dark, there wasn't a single star in sight and the moon was nowhere to be found. Falconpaw looked around, extending his claws and digging them into the moist dirt beneath his paws. Danger was pricking at his pelt like a thistle, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread. What was going on? Where was he? A shadow darted quick as a rabbit in the corner of his vision, Falconpaw spun around on his paws just to see nothing

"If there's someone out there you better show yourself!" Falconpaw shouted, his voice loud and demanding. "I'll shred your pelt!" There was no response, there was no sound at all. Falconpaw couldn't even hear his own breathing. The silence was chilling him to his bones, Falconpaw shook his head, he wanted out of this stupid place!
"Shut up, you mouse-brain." Falconpaw's eyes shot open, he lifted his groggy head to see Mudpaw glaring at him. Was he talking in his sleep? Falconpaw looked down at his nest to see his claws had been working away at the moss and the bracken, he had been so nervous in his dream he had acted in the real world. Falconpaw sat up as Mudpaw drifted back to sleep. Falconpaw gazed out the den entrance, the sky was lit with gentle shades of pink, yellow, blue and purple. Dawn was just on the horizon, Falconpaw figured it would be better to get up.

Falconpaw had been experiencing the same, strange dream every night. He wouldn't exactly call it a dream or nightmare, just a night time experience. It was probably nothing more than a dream. Falconpaw exited the apprentice den, he wasn't normally awake this early. The early morning dew still sparkled on the foliage of the forest. Falconpaw pushed past it, sections of his pelt growing slightly damp. Falconpaw stepped into the camp, it was quiet and still. Not even the kits were awake yet, the only cats who would be awake would be the dawn patrol. He wondered if Cherryleaf was awake, maybe he could join the patrol.

Falconpaw moved farther into camp but saw no sign of his mentor, he however did see Cinderflame organizing the patrol. The cats that stood with her were Fawnheart, Brackenpelt, Turtleblaze and Briarrose. Falconpaw approached the forming patrol, he seemed to have caught Cinderflame's attention. "Falconpaw? I normally don't see you awake this early." She greeted kindly. "Cherryleaf have something planned for you two?"

Falconpaw shook his head. "No, I just woke up." He looked around. "Is Cherryleaf even awake?" He questioned.

"She was still sleeping when I left the warriors den. " Briarrose answered. "I don't think she was planning on getting up at dawn."

"Well since you're up," Cinderflame mewed. "Would you like to join us on the dawn patrol? It's never a bad idea for an apprentice to join us."

Falconpaw lifted his tail high, he loved going on patrols and he had never gone on the dawn patrol before, maybe Cherryleaf was just lazy. "I would love to go with you." He mewed lightly. Cinderflame's amber eyes were soft. "Then come along, we're going to the AshClan border."

Falconpaw eagerly fell in with the patrol as they left the camp, he loved the smell of the forest this early in the morning. He walked in pace with the rest of the patrol even pulling ahead of Fawnheart and Turtleblaze who walked side by side. "How's your training been going, Falconpaw?" Turtleblaze asked as Falconpaw passed them. His ears dropped slightly.

"It's been going good." Falconpaw replied curtly and with a flick of his tail. He could hear a slight snicker from Fawnheart.

"I've been getting complaints that the moss being delivered to the nursery and elder's den hasn't been very good lately." Turtleblaze mewed, his voice strict. Falconpaw let out a groan, he was sick of hearing about moss: him being a warrior had nothing to do with moss. "Don't get snippy with me, I'm getting the same complaints about Mudpaw and Earthpaw. You need to be careful, one of the kits or elders could get thorns or rocks jabbing into them."

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now