Chapter 3

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 Honeykit woke up a bit later than she usually did, the sun was already high in the sky and normally she was up at dawn. She stood up and stretched, Falconkit was also still sleeping but Sedgekit and her siblings were hard at play outside the nursery. Honeykit sat up, flicking her ears and sniffing the air. She looked around the nursery, Sedgekit, Dovekit and Petalkit were gone and Larkkit, Pikekit and Sorrelkit were wrestling quietly in the corner. Goldenleaf was sleeping soundly, she would be having her kits here soon, Pebblestep told her it would be in the next moon. Honeykit wondered if she they would be born before she became an apprentice.

Honeykit rose from her nest and padded to the entrance of the nursery, looking into the camp. Sandfoot and Applespots were relaxing together outside of the elder's den sharing tounges. Honeykit barely remembered Hawktalon and Nightwing, she knew that Hawktalon died defending her and all the other kits during the battle and Nightwing died about a moon later. They were mates in the elder's den and now it was just Sandfoot in the elders den. Honeykit looked around some more, she saw Earthpaw talking with Turtleblaze, her green eyes glowing. Honeykit wondered what she was talking about.

Her eyes traveled over to Pebblestep's den where the silver and white she-cat was emerging from her den with a mouthful of moss. Honeykit perked her ears up and stepped out of the nursery, Petalkit looked up from her battle with her siblings. "Hey, where ya going?" She questioned, Dovekit and Sedgekit were also looking up at this point.

Honeykit looked over at Pebblestep who had reached the elders den. "Oh, I'm going to see Pebblestep."

"Is something wrong? Are you sick?" Dovekit tilted her head, confusion in her eyes.

Honeykit shook her head. "No, I've just been hanging out with her lately. She's very interesting to hang out with."

Sedgekit laughed. "Really? Are you gonna become a medicine cat or something?" She questioned. Honeykit looked at her paws, but felt good. She had considered it, she really liked learning about herbs.

Honeykit shrugged. "I'm not sure, I've thought about it though."

"Sounds boring." Sedgekit licked her paw. "I wanna be a warrior! I'll be the best fighter in the Clan!"

"I want to be a warrior too!" Dovekit announced and Petalkit nodded in agreement.

"But you do whatever you want" Petalkit purred. Honeykit nodded then bounded over to Pebblestep who was now in the elder's den.

"Hey there, Honeykit." Sandfoot greeted with a gentle purr, Applespots also looked up at her. "Something you need? How are you?"

"No, I just came to see Pebblestep, actually." Honeykit mewed, looking into the den. "What's she doing?"

"Just giving us some new moss." Sandfoot replied. "Are you interesting in becoming a medicine cat?" Honeykit's tail twitched.

"Kind of, I've considered it." Honeykit replied.

"How interesting." Sandfoot purred. "You're following the same path as Honeywing."

"Honeywing?" Honeykit tilted her head, she remembered hearing that name once or twice but couldn't place it right now.

"Honeywing is your kin, she was the sister of Lionclaw's mother. She was SunClan's medicine cat before Pebblestep's mentor. She was highly regarded as one of the best medicine cats in the forest. You were named after her." Sandfoot explained.

"Really?" Honeykit pondered for a moment. She didn't know she was named after anyone, let alone a renowned medicine cat. "Is Falconkit named after anyone?"

Applespots and Sandfoot shared an awkward glance. "Y-Yes, Falconkit is named after Falconclaw, a former warrior, he's related to your father." Neither of them said anything further, Honeykit felt a bit awkward. Luckily, Pebblestep exited the elder's den.

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