He walks pass me and goes to his new seat. I sit down and tap her, she slowly looks up and her eyes widen, "Your in this class?! How long have you been in here?!" She whispers yells at me.

I start laughing, "That's the loudest you ever talked." She closes her mouth and looks away from me, "Why are you sitting beside me? I told you not to come near me."

I lean back in my seat and reach over to pull her hood off, "Can you please leave me alone? I don't want Megan to see you talking to me. She will make my life even worse."

I scrunch my face up in disgust, "Stop blaming her for something she's not doing. Megan wouldn't do the things getting done to you to anybody." She scoffs softly, "I don't care what you believe, but can you please leave me alone."

I scoot closer to her and smile, "I don't think I want to do that." She stands up quickly and walks out of the classroom while hugging herself. The teacher looks at her and then back at her computer.

I stare at the teacher shock, not only did she not call her name during roll call, she doesn't react when Quiet walks out. I raise my hand and the teacher looks at me, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

She nods her head and I rush out to the hallways. "Where did you go?" I ask myself as I look around the halls.

I go down the science hall and see her laying on the ground. I rush to her, "What happened this time?!" When she notices me and moves away from me, "Stay away from me. You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

I roll my eyes and pick her bridal style, "Put me down. Ugh." She starts groaning and I see that her arm has a bruise. She jumps out of my arms and speed walk away from me, "Where the hell are you going?!" She ignores me and continues walking.

I follow after her down the hall, all of sudden I see her sitting down on the floor mumbling. "I will not cry, they will not see me cry. I will not cry, they will not see me cry."

I walk up to her and she keeps her head down, "Why do you keep following me? What do you want from me?" I sit beside her and she moves away from me, "I really don't know what I want from you."

She stands up and starts walking, "I'm going back to class. Can you not talk to me when you come back?" I let out a long sigh and look at her as she walks away from me.

"I still don't know her name."

Hazel POV

I walk back to my class and minutes later Ian comes in. I look out the window and sigh.

At least I get to see Ricky tonight. I smile to myself and someone taps me. I turn around slowly, "What are you thinking about?"

I look around the classroom and see an open seat. I grab my things and move to the seat away from Ian.

After school

I'm walking to a diner I work at. I am very close to the owner and he hired me on the spot when we first met.

"Hey, Ricky." I wave at Ricky as I walk to the back of the restaurant, "Hey Cupcake. How's everything?"

Ricky got the nickname cupcake from when he caught me holding to cupcakes one day. I came in here with two cupcakes in my hand, it was the day of my interview and I thought if I give him a cupcake if he would hire me.

"The same thing happening as always." He puts a cupcake in front of me, "It's been a year since you started working. Eat a cupcake with me." I smile at him as I tie my apron on.

I sit beside him and pick up my cupcake. "Thank you." He eats his cupcake whole and I stare at him with my mouth open, "I thought we were supposed to eat together." He shrugs his shoulders, "I have a graduation gift for you. I can't wait until the day comes for you to get it."

I roll my eyes, "I don't graduate in a while, so calm down." He pats my head, "I talked to Gary, he told me to tell you to call him."

I stand up and throw my trash away. My dad and Ricky are very close. Whenever my dad was feeling down he would come here and hang with Ricky.

"I heard something big is happening tonight, so this place will be busy later on tonight." I hear the door sound goes off, meaning someone is here.

I turn around, "Hi! Welcome to Ricky's. Just choose a sit and I'll be with you in a few." The girl looks like she is in her teens, she has blonde hair that goes down her back with brown eyes.

She walks up to the counter, "I would just like two of your lemonades." I nod my head and start making her two lemonades.

She hands me the money and I hand her the two lemonades, she smiles at me and then walks out. "Cupcake, you have to smile at the customers." I look at Ricky and shrug my shoulders.

"I almost forgot, my nephew, is moving down here. Meaning you will have to show him around your  school." My eyes widen, "No! I don't think that is a good idea. One of the people in charge of seniors can do that."

I don't want his nephew to go through what I go through.

He shakes his head and laughs, "I already told him." I groan in defeat, "Ricky! I don't want to." He shrugs his shoulders and sticks his tongue out at me, "Oh well. It's too late." I roll my eyes as clean off the tables.

This is going to be bad.

Later on in the night

I'm sitting at the counter with Ricky watching tv when all of sudden a lot of people start piling in.

"Cupcake get that side and I get this side." I go to the right and start taking orders from left and right. I pass the orders to the cooks in the back.

I tie my hair in a ponytail and look around, "Where are all of these people coming from?" One of the customers heard me and looks at me, "We all just came from a fight underground."

I look at him with an arch eyebrow, "Fight? Wait. Are you all from Blue Saint High?" He nods his head and I suck in a shaky breath. "The person y'all went go see is from your school?" The boy nods his head and I step back in shock.

I take deep breaths, he might not come here. I just need to calm down and serve these people. There's no way Ian will come to this diner.

Me and Ricky start passing out plates. After a whole two hours, the diner is finally empty.

I sit down in a booth with a heavy sigh, "Make sure you clean off all the tables." I give Ricky a thumbs up. "Oh, and Shane will be here tomorrow."

I sit up quickly, "Do I really have to show him around the town and school?" He hands me a plate of food and nods his head, "Yep." I roll my eyes and groan.

The doorbell goes off and we turn to see who it is. My eyes widen at the person in front of me.

"Cupcake, I'm going to the back to calculate how much we made today. You handle the customer." I try to stop him from leaving me here, but all I could do is stutter out my words.

I walk up to Ian, "What are you doing here?" He looks at me with a smile, "I love this diner food, so I come here often and sometimes after my fight." I notice he has a busted lip.

"I've never seen you work here before. Did you just start?" I shake my head no as I lead him to a table, "No, I only work on Fridays and the weekends."

I hand him a menu, but he holds his hand up to stop me. "I don't need one, I already know what I want. Can I get the number two, please?" I nod my head and pass the order to the cook, "This is the last one for the night."

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