I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.30

Start from the beginning

Alice:The same Tucker who spread a rumor around saying that Omar had herpes

Jennifer:The same Tucker who lied on me saying that I was selling my body to strangers?

Alice:Girl,that's the only Tucker he's close to.The same one who lied saying that I let him hit it on his birthday,which is a lie.

Jennifer: Isn't Alice the one who bailed you out instead of Tucker? And your treating her like this?

Alice:Tucker would have let you rot in jail,Omar! I was the only one who helped you.

Jennifer:*shakes her head* Some "close friend" he is.


Jennifer:No,words left to say,huh?

Omar:I still need proof that I'm the father of the baby.

Jennifer:There's a thing called a DNA test.We could do that if you like.

Alice:The three of us.

Omar:And if I'm the father of that baby?

Jennifer:You're going to start stepping up to be a great father.Alice baby needs a father figure.Don't be like everybody else and run away,Omar.

Omar:What if I'm not the father?

Alice:We would leave you alone and let you live your life.

Jennifer:Do we have a deal?

Omar:Let me go put some fresh clothes on and I'll meet the two of you outside.

Alice:Make sure that you get your nose clean,too.There's a lot of blood.

Omar:*glares at Alice dirty*


Jennifer:C'mon! Tick tock,tick tock! We don't got all day,Omar.

Omar:*closes door*

Jennifer:I wonder what Sophia doing around this time.

Alice:I wonder how would she react if she knew that you was doing this.

Jennifer:She'll probably freak out.


Omar:*opens door*

Jennifer:That was quick.

Omar:I changed my mind,let's get this over with *walks out of his apparent* Where do we go to take a DNA test?

Alice:You don't know?

Jennifer:For someone who claims that they get all the hoes,I'm surprised that he doesn't.

Alice:You and me both.

Jennifer:At least you got the blood cleaned up.

Alice:I'm surprised that he's not bleeding still.You hit him pretty hard.

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