No. 23

23 1 1

Miriam, Ella and I had music for first class and we were already finished with recording our xylophones. We were allowed to go into a room beside the empty gym to "record" out music. Miriam and I were bored so I started blasting Panic! At The Disco starting with 'This is Gospel'.

When I was playing 'Emperor's New Clothes', I was singing along to it but I am really terrible at singing, so when it came to the high pitched point, I started out horribly then ended up laughing at Ella's deadpanning expression at me.
Then Miriam went outside of the room for a second only to rush back in and warn us that the walls were paper thin so anyone who walked past would hear us.
Miriam coulda warned us sooner because when we were playing 'Vegas Lights', I was singing/lip syncing while Miriam and Ella were dancing and waving the xylophone sticks around in the air. Turns out, I just saw a few students staring into the room to see if it was empty while we were dancing but I didn't notice.

Stupid Things My Friends and I Have DoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz