Chappie 2~ Mum

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"Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense" ~ Helen Rowland

It was the second week of the summer and after moping around for what seemed years I decided to step out into the open.  Jay had brought a girl home and was casually banging her in his room; I shouted some things at him before throwing something through his window and leaving. I heard a moan of pain and was satisfied with myself. The sun was beating down and it looked like the day would be quite hot. I pulled on a pair of white shorts and a checked shirt before choosing my high heeled brown boots.  The sun was bright and the weather was hot as I stepped out of the house not really knowing where I was headed. A few boys watched me as I walked by and one of them even had the audacity to wink at me. I shook them off and carried on my walk to nowhere.

I stopped at the florists to look at flowers then had an idea of what I could do. The flowers were bright colours and I wanted some which would be loved by a certain person. The girl behind the counter was tall and slim; she was chewing bubble gum like a cow and was talking loudly into a phone. I walked over to her and watched her every move as I tried to catch her attention. She wasn’t the shop owner, just a work experience girl.

“Hello?” I spoke looking at her as she walked over to the till and pulled something out of it. She didn’t seem to notice me.

“Hi.” I said it louder this time hoping to get her attention. She just carried on with her usual business, obviously her phone call was more important that customers. A tall guy from my school walked in and stood next to me at the counter. As soon as he walked in she turned to look at him and turned her flirt on.

“Hey, what can I get you?” She asked with a small wink. Oh my god, little flirt. He smirked back and leant his arms on the counter, turning his charm on. I was genuinely thinking ‘oh God here we go, s*x on the counter probably’. He was like another version of Jay, but less perverted.

“Uhm, some flowers, but I want some nice ones. Flowers that say ‘I love you, I want you and I need you forever’” He spoke in a voice which would have made any girl melt, apart from me. I stood there disgusted, watching them look each other up and down.

“That’s really cute, a bit like you I guess” She flirted back. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor as I stood watching the scene in front of me. I was hoping they would finish having eye s*x and get on with finding the flowers.

“Well, cute is my middle name” He winked back. I swear at that point sick entered my mouth. I made a loud gagging sound and had to apologise when they both looked at me with weird expressions.

“Maybe we could explore each other one day… I mean each other’s nick names” She giggled walking from behind the counter and heading towards the flowers. The boy followed her and watched her every move.

“Maybe we could” He said to her standing right behind her. I was beginning to become bored so I started wandering round the shop looking at different things. I came back in time to see her handing him the flowers and giggling as he searched for his wallet.

“Who are these for anyway? Your mother?” She asked  opening the till and replacing the receipt paper.

“No, my girlfriend” He smiled back whilst laughing at the same time. I instantly regretted all the thoughts I had against her. The guy had just been like that so he could get a laugh out of his afternoon. I glared at him as he shook his head and looked at her for the amount he had to pay.

“16 dollars” She said through grinding teeth. He smirked, threw the cash at her, picked up the flowers and left. The girl looked at the floor for a moment before grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose. I swear I saw tears fall from her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away.

“Hi…. They’re jerks, right?” I said smiling at her across the counter. She looked up from her tissue and smiled back at me before walking round to the side I was stood at. I watched her wipe her hands on her apron then she walked over to the flowers section.

“Yeah, they are…. What can I get you?” She smiled at me pointing to the array of flowers behind her. I looked at the many different kinds and colours, there was so many. I couldn’t decide which ones she would like best.

“That’s where you come in. I was hoping you could choose some flowers for my mum”  She nodded and starting collecting different flowers. I just stood and watched her in astonishment. Before I knew it she was tying a bow in a bouquet of flowers which were several different colours.  

“I hope your mum loves these, nicest flowers we have in the shop” The girl handed me the bouquet and I gave her the money. Her face was beaming as I wrote a card to go in them, but as she read what it said she automatically recoiled and looked at me softly.

“I’m sorry about your mum” She apologised looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I started to walk towards the door with the bouquet in hand before I turned back to her.

“It’s okay, it was a long time ago” I smiled, then said goodbye and thank you. She waved at me as I shut the door behind me and headed towards the bridge to talk to my mum.

Only short, but i wanted to get something done for you guys today. Night. xJustthebeginningx <3  

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