Chapter 8

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Finding a moment alone with Yuvahl was harder than Yetsye expected. When Ya'el offered to help Leila clear the leavings after the evening meal, she found her chance. Tsadok exited through a side entrance and when Yuvahl turned to follow, she tugged on his sleeve and tossed her head toward the main door.

The siblings strolled down the main path until they reached the gardens. Star gazing had been a common interest since Yetsye could remember and they pointed out favorite constellations as they walked deeper into the lush growth.

Yuvahl suddenly stopped and turned to face Yetsye. He crossed his arms and waited with uncharacteristic impatience. He was definitely worried.

"Easy, Batir!" She began by trying to soothe his worries. "I saw three dreams in this place -- one before going through the ritual and two during." She grinned mischievously and raised open hands to the sides of her face, wiggling her fingers. "Of scary and exciting things." Then the smile faded. "I have two paths to choose from. I know which one the Creator wants me to choose, but the choice is still up to me. I can either light the spark which will result in a united Y'Dahnndrya," she paused, her brow furrowed with the gravity of the second option, "or I can snuff the spark and murder the world I love."

"What did you see?" he asked quietly when she said no more. He led her to a nearby stone bench and urged her to sit. He squatted in front of her as he used to do when she was a hurting child. She looked into his eyes and was relieved when she saw only concern for an equal. Holding his eyes with her own, she relayed her dreams.

"I saw the whole of Y'Dahnndrya, as if I was an el'tekh flying high in the sky, above the clouds even! I saw everything clearly: home, Shinnoah, D'Koruyi, the islands of the Ikhel-dur, even the Bot'ha and Gen'zet. I saw the face of Y'Dahnndrya changed in magnificent and terrible ways. Rivers changed courses, deserts bloomed with flowers, and forests burned to deserts. Mountains crumbled to dust. Majestic islands sank beneath waves while new ones sprang above their crests. If the Great Cataclysm was anything like this, I can see why it still lingers in our memories and histories!"

She stood and walked a few paces in silence, then stopped. She raised her face to the stars and suddenly asked, "Why do we have stars?" Her question startled Yuvahl and he rose.

"To point the straight way in darkness," answered Yuvahl with certainty.

"And what are stars really?"

"Fire. What's your point?" he was getting even more impatient. She almost laughed at his indignant stance. This role reversal was fun -- now /she/ was the teacher.

"Right. I'm sorry for the confusion but I'm still working my way through it all. May I continue? I don't want to do this with Ya'el. You know how slow I am and her questions would slow me down even more." A rueful grin painted itself on her face. He nodded and motioned for her to continue.

"What is fire?" She continued where she left off. "What are its properties and uses?"

"Fire is warmth and also light, useful for guidance and keeping warm in the cold seasons. As it eats, it grows. It purifies and refines metals." Yuvahl ticked off each item with his fingers.

"Right. In my Visioning, I was a flaming el'tekh, at first the orange of M'Neshunnaya. I saw a single flame of orange light in Zulima and set more flaming orange tongues aglow. These tongues spread outward to Shinnoah, shining deep violet there. When the flames reached D'Koruyin Territory, they became green. The flames spread to the west, lighting those territories with red, blue, and yellow. And when all territories blazed with color, the flames flashed brilliant white, along with my own flaming feathers."

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