What was she doing? Tch, such a childish person. She never changed even if she got that stupid amnesia.

But (r/n) had adapted some unusual habits like what she was doing right now.

Slapping her mouth like an idiot and scolding herself like a kid. Does everyone who got through this became childish?

I clicked my tongue as the door opened, I walked out of the elevator as she continue to mumble on herself. I don't know, but what she was doing doesn't really bother me. I actually found it cute and have no idea how nor why.

Hell, How can I get rid of this?

Am I really feeling what I thought of before?

Shit. This isn't really me.

I thought this was gone. But why it seems like this feelings had came back?

Even on the Masquerade, I did something that I should take responsibility of, especially today. The both of us were facing show personalities and I don't want to do look like a complete jerk that I lied to them in front of the camera.

I don't want to see (r/n) get mad at me nor sad either.

I have to face it.

This is the choice I made, so no regrets.



We left the elevator and went to the direction where our destined studio is located. Levi lead as I just followed his tracks, he walked fast until he can't be seen after turning left.

"Why was he cold so sudden?" I muttered to myself and sighed

I thought he already entered but when I turned left, he was there leaning on a wall near the doors looking at me.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing took me long, it was you who left me there and left me, Levi." I rolled my eyes.

"Tch." he suddenly took my hand and held it.

"Wha-What are you doing-?!" I tried to remove his grip but he didn't let me go.

"Just shut up."

"How coul-!"

Before I could protest, the door swung open revealing a person I don't know.

"Oh look who's here?" the person said to the others specifically over the table. "Come in, Come in!"

We walked in and I wore a nervous smile.

"Mr. James, they're here! The couple came!"

Eh?! Couple?!

Then things that happened a month ago came flashing back through my mind.

Shit. I am his girlfriend?!

Wrong. I was just pretending. And I'm his fake girlfriend. Because of all excuses back at the Masquerade Ball, Levi the smart-ass told the whole world that I was his girlfriend.

Now I need to pretend like were real couple.

I honestly don't like this.

Just a minute later, a guy came rushing to us and greeted us.

"Hello my dear." The guy hugged me. "It's been a while!"

I looked at Levi but he only gave me a small nod.

"Just go with the flow." He mouthed

"Hehe..." I laughed nervously to the person who was hugging me.

"(R/n)! Levi, thank you for accepting this project!" this person sure like me before, huh? "Well. Pardon (r/n). I've heard about what happened almost a year ago. Now let me introduce myself once again. I'm Director James, the one who asked for your permissions to agree for this upcoming film."

"Director James..." I pronounced and smiled nervously.

"You're still as beautiful as you are!" I blushed at his comment."Oh well, let's go. The other cast are waiting over there." He pointed to a side that is separated by a wall.

Director James led us the room, there was a long table with people chatting until I found a familiar person.


She's here?

When she saw us, I immediately noticed that she was staring at our hands so I tried to remove it but Levi already red the situation that he gripped my hand more.



I sighed hoping that this day won't be ruined.

"Sit here." Mr. James let us sit near him.

After we sat, Petra was looking at me with a sad expression but still managed to smile at me. I smiled back.

If only I could apologize. But I can't. Something urges me not to.

"Now let us start." Mr. James smiled. "I carefully chose all of you to play your respectfully roles in this film so this will be such an honor for you especially when all of us knew that this movie will be our entry for the Film Fest next two months."

We carefully listened to Director James, but my eyes can't help but to stare at all of the popular, elite and veteran celebrities that surrounded the table.

I was kind of star struck but I need to keep cool. It also seem that they're nice because everything I look at every single one celebrity they smile at me so kindly.

I'm sure lucky...

I was about to swallow the tea that I was drinking that they gave us when Mr. James suddenly shocked me.

"Our two main protagonists will be Levi Ackerman and (R/n L/n)."

I almost choked. "M-Mr. James! Are you sure you wanted yo choose me? I have no experience on this kind of stiff, you might be disappointed when I did this role..."

"Don't worry, (r/n). You'll be under my workshop before starting." Mr. James pointed me. "And don't you know you're perfect for this? You should be glad that you are going to do this job with your sweetheart."

Really? My sweetheart? Oh shush. As if he treats me like that. He never did.

The whole meeting I can't even object. It seems like everything's been planned and no changes will be needed.

"Our concept is love story which contains action, romance, and thrill. It was about a soldier (played by Levi) who fell in love with a medical director which is played by Ms. (R/n). Until they've became lovers but Levi will be deployed on a war site and have to do his job that unfortunately will take a year, until the elite squad mate of Levi which is going to be played by Ms. Petra was his best friend that has certain feelings for him. Until Levi came back to propose but then there the tragic twist came..."

Director James continued on explaining the whole story written by our writers. It had a  unique story plot that will be catchy for everyone, though something happens in the middle of the storyline.

"So, after the holidays. Were leaving to Paris, France. We'll have our shooting there."


Did I heard it right?


So... Were going to France?

Perfectly Matched | Levi X Reader •AU•  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now