Chapter Eight- Oaths

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Chapter Eight- Oaths

My hands tremble as I place them on the steering wheel. I want so much to just turn off my car and crawl into bed, call Erin., text Zayn, not go to Starbucks. But I have to go.

I went to find Mr. Frayer this afternoon before school was over and he told me that I have to do this as a group and will fail me for this assignment, which is something I cannot have happen.

Doing what I have to drive to the place they told me they'd be and push myself to get out of my car and not turn around. I order myself a caramel macchiato to keep me sane during this meeting. Then I scan the face for Cole and Tara, finding them sitting in the back. They are seated at a long table with their books spread out on the table and pensive expressions on their faces, staring at their matching mac computers.

"Hi." I say shyly, standing in front of them with my caramel macchiato.

"Abi! I didn't think we'd see you! We were going to leave in a few." Tara exclaims.

"Yeah, I didn't think I would be here either..." I shuffle my feet awkwardly.

"Come! Sit down!" Cole pulls out the seat next to him.

I take it and look down at my hands until someone else says something.

"Mr. Frayer explained to us the project..." Tara says, "We figured we'd let you pick the topic. Preferably I'd like to use Greek Mythology, it is one of my favorite types of Mythology."

"Like the Trojan War?" I cock my head slightly, interested.

"Yeah, that's a good one! The story of Odysseus is a good one, the Odyssey." Her voice rises as she gets excited.

"Or Iliad. We could use that!" Cole starts typing on his computer.

"Sounds good to me." I shrug.

"How about the Parthenon too! Because that's an actual monument?" Cole picks up his head from his computer screen.

"Yeah, there must be tons of myths that has to with that." Tara replies.

"I'm finding loads of websites right now." Cole tells his sister.

"That's great!" She encourages him to continue.

They are so enthusiastic, it's inspiring. James used to be like that.


"And we can bring in s'mores because we both love them and who doesn't, oh and those strawberries from BK's that look like their on drugs with sugar packets. Those are delicious and everyone loves food."

I atare at him with a smile, watching how animated and excited he is getting about our project.

"The only thing is its really only good when the s'mores are hot and the strawberries are cold. Do you think Home Ec will let us use their ovens and fridges? If they did we could do it and we'll for sure get ex-" James stops talking, catching me looking at him. "What? Something wrong?"

"No no." I shake my head laughing. "Your just so into the project. So... enthusiastic."

"Well yeah." He blushes. "I'm pretty excited."

"It's cute." I smile. 


"What?" Tara caches me smiling at them like James did when we were finalizing the details of our English project's presentation.

"Nothing, You guys just remind me of a friend of mine." I tell her, dismissing the importance of my smile.

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