Chapter 28: A living hell!

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Lou's POV:

"OUT NOW!" Ryan growled as everyone started leaving, including me...

I was right behind Simon when he caught my arm and pulled me back.

"Everyone out except you." He whispered in my ear, his voice hoarse and his eyes sparkly.

"What's wrong? Why are they leaving?" I asked him as I saw them get out of the library and the bookcase closed behind them. But Ryan being Ryan didn't want to answer.

"What were you doing?" He asked dangerously.

"R-reading." I stuttered. I hope he hasn't seen the closeness between me and Simon.

"WITH SIMON?" He barked at me still holding my arm, tightly I might add.

"N-no he just came a-and asked what I was reading!" I stammered making up a lie. I couldn't tell him he was making a video of me calling me 'Lunasaur Rex'!

"You're a bad liar, I heard him." He groaned while gritting his teeth.

"Alright. So what? He was having fun and I wanted to join him too but you cut us!" I said sassily, as in it was his fault we weren't having fun anymore, because it was!

"THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO MAKE THAT LITTLE BITCH REGRET IT!" He yelled in my face and tightened his grip on my arm which made me wince in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO?" I screamed back like a whining kid, astonished by his behavior and change of mood. Seriously, what did Simon do this time?

He roared incredibly loud, yet didn't answer me. If there was glass in the room, I'm pretty sure it would break because of his voice.

"You're unbelievable! He was playing!"

"He doesn't need to play with you!" He snapped at me.

"WHY? No one is willing to have fun with him here. He's miserable!" I yelled with tears threatening to fall. Ryan saw my watery eyes and his eyes softened as he studied my features.

I should be possessive of Simon! He and I have so much in common. He reminds me of my brother Raymond, and I cannot not entertain him seeing as he has plenty of free time since he didn't find a mate yet.

"FINE! Okay? Fine! I'll make him delete the video and everything will be solved alright?"

"Can you at least tell him to make a copy before deleting it? I'd like to have it..." I mumbled but he just nodded and stormed out of the room, probably to go after Simon.

'That poor thing!' No Lou! I'm the poor thing...

But that's not the actual problem here. Why is it so hot?

'Obviously because I'm here. DUH...' Yeah yeah whatever.

I got out of the library and still felt hot. I should probably drink some cold water.

I headed to the kitchen and poured myself a big glass of cold water and drank it.

I sighed satisfied but I still felt hot, this time hotter than before.

Could I be sick?

I went outside the house to get some fresh air, maybe it was the house that was too warm? But nothing changed! I still felt hot.

My body started to pain me and whenever I moved it would pain me even more.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I started to panic, did I do something wrong? A bad move or something?

I hurried inside and went to the bedroom quickly, with a lot of pain by the way, and layed down on the bed.

My body felt like it's getting burned and torn apart, like someone was cutting me in half and pouring acid on it at the same time. I felt dizzy, I didn't know what to do. I tried to close my eyes, a tear fell on my cheek and it burned. Everything that touched my body hurt me.

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