Chapter 4: peace

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Ryan's POV:

I sat behind the bush, keeping a good distance between me and my mate, so I could watch over her peacefully, she sat on the ground pressing her back and her head on the trunk of the tree. She looked so peaceful, so quiet, so serene. I wonder what she was thinking about. She was so beautiful, her porcelain skin was glowing under the sunlight, her resting figure intrigued me and her facial expression showed pain, I wanted to comfort her even though I didn't know what bothered her.

This girl was the only one making me feel vulnerable, I don't even know her and here I am, vowing to protect her, to make her happy, make her feel loved and desired...

I was about to approach her slowly when I stepped on a twig resulting in it to break and make a sound, she stood up immediately and saw my eyes, I was well hidden that's why she only saw my yellow eyes. A flash of hope made its way in my mind that had me thinking she would maybe come closer, but that only happens in movies. She ran away without a second thought, I mean, she was absolutely right to run for her life knowing a wolf was watching her. Let's be rational.

'what the fuck is wrong with you Ryan, no one can make you sad!" My wolf had said when I saw her disappear.

I decided to chase after her, but that's when I saw her on top of this guy, he couldn't keep his hands to himself, could he now? He just had to try to touch her perfect little butt...

Oh fuck no, not on my watch. I am definitely going to kill him.

I growled loudly, making them both freeze, after a second they both ran inside the house, locking every door and window. He wasn't related to her I could smell that, he was bad news and I knew it. I swear if he tries anything on her I'm going to attempt a murder, and believe me it wasn't the first time I would kill someone...

After a while, I stayed in the woods, watching her through her kitchen window, watching her every move, damn it she was just perfect, she does nothing and BAMM I'm turned on, badly. She looked at my form, she was petrified, examining me with scared eyes, I just wish I could shift back to normal and tell her I wasn't going to hurt her. That's when I saw him near her, also frightened, good, he's gonna wish he was just frightened when I get my hands on him, because I won't hold back.

'Really? What now? leave him in the same house as her? This ain't happening.' My wolf suggested, that's when I realized that if I kept scaring them, he won't get out and leave her the fuck alone. I could sense she hated him, she despised him actually, and with that I left, I could still see her but she couldn't see me anymore. I wanted him to get the fuck out, or I was going to barge in and bite his head off...


Lou's POV:

I watched silently as the wolf went back inside the forest, leaving us alone, wait, I didn't want to be alone with Thomas.

I turned to face Thomas and told him that the wolf was gone and that it was a good idea to leave now. I placed my arm on the kitchen counter suppressing my weight on it still waiting for him to go, but he didn't move.

"Are you kidding me? As soon as I put my foot out it's gonna show up and attack me, didn't you see how fucking big it was! We should call the cops, or at least animal control. No! Beast control!" He answered obviously cowering. I couldn't believe what I was going to say, but if it was the only thing that would make him leave, so be it.

"Stop being a coward! I can escort you to your car, make sure you're safe and then you could leave safe and sound, never come back ever again." Yep that's what I managed to say, proudly, might I add.

"So you can throw me to the wolf any chance you get and run away? Hell no! I ain't leaving this damn house until I decide if it's safe or not. "

"Oh for God's sake. I won't do that I promise. Besides, don't you want to get rid of me? That's the only way we wouldn't see each other again." I whined.

"Of course I want to get rid of you, but what if you pushed me to the wolf and escaped? I don't trust a bitch like you." He said glaring at me from head to toe in disgust.

Oh lord, it's gonna be a very, very long evening...

A few hours passed, it started getting dark, when everything was clear I finally convinced Thomas to leave, and of course it was me who escorted him to his car. Why did he park it at the end of the street and not just in front of my house though?

As soon as he left I went inside the house, I decided to make macaroni and cheese for dinner, quite healthy. After eating the delicious food I went to the bathroom upstairs and took a hot shower, don't get me wrong, it was a normal shower, but just me in it.

I then wrapped a towel around my body and entered my room, I opened the drawer and took some boring plane white panties, after wearing them I took some shorts and an over sized V-neck shirt and wore them.

I suddenly felt like someone was watching me, rushing to my window I saw if someone was outside, but there was no one. I was about to turn around and leave when I suddenly noticed two yellow eyes glowing in the dark, watching me, observing my every move...again.

So, the wolf saw me naked...It was still weird but thank god it wasn't a person passing by!

What was wrong with this wolf anyway? Couldn't it just join its pack and leave me alone? But even though it was a dangerous animal, I didn't feel like it was a threat to me, something inside me kept thinking that it was never going to hurt me, and I hope that this feeling was actually right, unless it was planning on killing me only since it's obviously clinging to me.

The wolf didn't want to leave, in fact it was in a laying position, maybe it liked this spot, just under my window...What a coincidence, I have never seen this wolf before.

I should probably never go over there and check the spot, I should not even go to the woods anymore, I should also give up on my secret place under the weeping willow if I wanted to live.

I was about to turn and go to bed when he suddenly whimpered, what the actual hell? Why would a big black wolf whimper when it wasn't even injured? I stared at it for a moment, checking if it had a wound or something. Nope, it's clean. I sat on the edge of the window still examining it, it's now that I noticed how beautiful it was, intimidating and scary, yes, but it was also very beautiful, it's dark fur seemed soft, slightly glowing under the moonlight and gave off a navy blue color. It had white sharp teeth and I could say they were whiter than mine, I'm ashamed...And it's yellow eyes were like two stars in a galaxy.

I got lost while looking at them, this wolf was not like the others, every time it looked at me, it diffused a serene and peaceful aura, I didn't mind it anymore as long as it doesn't attack me.

After a while, I decided to go to bed, closing the window and turning the lights off, my eyelids were becoming heavy, and I fell on my sheets and was asleep in a minute.

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