Chapter 14: Am I this weak?

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Lou's POV:

I woke up the next morning because of a slight pain in my chest, more precisely something was pressing my right breast.

I opened my eyes slowly to see a furry ball which turned out to be someone's head.

How can this person feel so comfortable while laying his head on a rock? Because believe me, my breasts were not comfortable to lay on at all.

He was laying on me, his head on my chest, his arms wrapped around my naked stomach since the shirt rolled up exposing my stomach and everything below including my panties and bare legs. His legs were tangled with mine and I could see that I was half naked with also a half naked Ryan in only his boxers.

But suddenly the memories of yesterday rushed through my mind as I remembered everything that happened. He is a werewolf! A creature that only exists in books and movies but not in real life. This was definitely not a dream.

"AHHHHHH! Get off of me you freak!" I screamed in his ear making him jolt out in shock as he hovered on top of me in a protective way and began looking around the room for something.

"Why did you scream? Did something happen?" He said looking into my eyes as his hands moved over to my cheeks and started caressing my cheekbones in a comforting way. His gaze softened as he looked at me noticing that there was no one in the room.

"Are you okay? Why did you scream? No one is going to hurt you." He spoke softly into my ear as he exhaled my scent.

"Says the guy who's crushing me right now...Get off of me you large monster." I said before pushing him with my feet and making him sit on the bed while I started pulling my shirt down in embarrassment. He definitely saw that.

I was still tired and was not ready to start my journey yet. My legs were still hurting from all that running yesterday which got me to nowhere apparently since I was back at his huge house again.

He got up slowly and went towards the bathroom before saying, "I got to be somewhere, I'll be back in the afternoon at 4." He was about to enter the bathroom when I suddenly interrupted his actions.

"Obviously you gotta be in some top secret werewolf meeting." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes because I knew I was right.

"No...I'm going to the station, I work there." He said slowly thinking that I needed some time to process what he was saying as he entered the bathroom quietly with a smirk on his face. I face palmed myself mentally, forgetting completely that he was the chief of the police and he actually worked.

'Great, now I can't call the cops and tell them that I'm basically kidnapped by a perverted animal.' I thought to myself realizing the situation I was in.

'You're in deep shit Lou!' The voice inside my head said. But oh yes, I was.

Ryan got out of the bathroom looking at me with his soft green eyes and his smirk still plastered on his beautiful face. He entered the closet and wore his outfit before sitting on the bed next to me and putting his hand on my thigh, which made me gasp and sit back moving away from him.

"Keep your incredibly warm hands to yourself boy!" I told him with my finger pointing between my thigh and his hand.

"And where's the fun in that? Besides, you're mine, I can do whatever I want to do with you sweetheart."

Should I even share a piece of my mind with him considering all these nicknames he's giving me these days? He had a grin plastered on his face, I was more than ready to smack it off of him.

"I'm going now," Ryan said still grinning at me, "I have two of my colleagues to watch over you, they're going to be like your body guards in my absence. I want to come back and find you still here and not running around in the woods." He continued firmly with a serious tone this time and went outside, leaving me alone in his bedroom.

His and only his...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin