Chapter 24: Perfection...

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Lou's POV:

I screamed and trashed around to escape from his grasp but it was to no avail. I can't believe what he just did!

He bit me!

'Just like the monster he is!'

I screamed of pain but then moaned unintentionally because of the wave of pleasure that struck me. What the hell was happening to me?

One minute I'm screaming of pain, the other second I'm moaning of pleasure.

The real question is, do I want more?

Nonsense! This is nonsense.

I moaned again but interrupted it by slamming my hand on my mouth. I can feel that Ryan was getting turned on...

He licked the blood that oozed from the bite and started trailing open mouthed kisses between my neck and shoulder. I had to stop this, I can't loose control, not again.

I pushed him away from me as hard as I can, to only figure out he was just inches away from my body.

'Damn, you're so strong Lou!' My conscience was making fun of me and my strength. 'Just doing my job kiddo.' Not the best moment let me tell you that.

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU MOTHERFUCKING BIT ME!" I screamed at his face, his hands clenching into fists and his jaw tightening. Once I start cursing, I go big, not just those stupid little curses like shit or bitch, no I'd rather ruin that motherfucker's useless life than act like a lady!

"YOU'RE MINE! NOW EVERYONE WILL KNOW THAT!" He yelled back as he smirked and stared at my bruise.

"YEAH NO SHIT! EVERYONE WILL THINK I WAS ATTACKED BY THE MONSTER IN FRONT OF ME!  IT FREAKING PAINED ME YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, lifting my hand to touch it but I immediately hissed at the contact and removed my hand from it.

"IT DEFINITELY DIDN'T HURT YOU! YOU ENJOYED IT, don't deny it." He whispered the last part and caressed my cheek with his hand.

"Don't shut your feelings Lorraine, I know you're resisting." He whispered again cradling my face between his big hands and leaning his face closer. I looked at his beautiful green eyes, imagining all the pleasures of the world, seeing the calm ocean being held in those beautiful green eyes.

'You're getting lost in them Lou...Wake up he wants to kiss you!' Oh not again! Not on my watch.

"Don't you touch me you son of a bitch." I hissed.
I freed my face from his hold and scolded him.

"Why did you bite me like the animal that you are?" I spat mercilessly. I want answers, no, I need answers. He growled at my choice of words and shut me a glare before making absolutely no sense.

"I marked you." He confessed as he crossed his arms over his chest, causing his muscles to flex.

It was very hard not to stare at them...

'More like drool on them...' Yeah right.

"What if I don't want to be yours? Oh my god! What if I don't want to be marked?"

"You have no choice." He said sternly furrowing his eyebrows together.

Could he be more stubborn? What is his problem? He infuriates me so much...

"Uhm no! I do have a choice! This is my life we're talking about." I said placing my hands on my hips in a very sassy way and swaying my hip to the side.

'The sass is back huh?' Well it never left!

He growled at my action and whispered in a very low and husky yet dangerous tone, his eyes darkening as he stared at my hips. Was he checking me out? Wow I never thought someone would check me out and find something interesting about me.

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