Chapter 26: My Princess

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"So how are you and your precious princess doing~?"

I could recognize that voice anywhere. I turned around and glared at him. "So how are you and your precious Mitsuba doing?" I mocked whilst rolling my eyes.

Ferid straightened out his ponytail and side eyed me like he knew something I didn't. He was suspicious as fuck. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned harshly.

"Dear boy, you've gotten it all wrong. I lied to you." He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

Ferid deceived me? "Oh my fucking god, just spit it out! You're such a waste of time." I pulled on my thigh high boots while glancing at Ferid. "Well?!"

"I was never interested in a petty, whiny child like Mitsuba, and never will I be." Ferid's smirk grew wider.

That made me confused. Why did he help me ruin the wedding, then? Its most definitely not because he wanted to help me out of the goodness of his heart. Ferid only did things if he was getting something out of it; He was a selfish person like that.

"Then why did you help me?" I sighed impatiently. At first he told me that he wanted to crash it because he was in love with Mitsuba. Now he's telling me that he lied. What would he of gotten out of ruining Mitsuba's and I's wedding? Why did he partake in helping me?

"Because, Mikaela." Ferid grinned. "I'm just a hardcore Mikayuu shipper. that's all."

That caused me to blush. He did that all because he shipped Yuu-chan and I together? And 'Mikayuu'? I guess that was our ship name. It sounded pretty cute. I giggled to myself. My hand landed on the doorknob. I was about to exit my palace until Ferid interrupted me.

"One more thing my stupid Mikaela." Ferid twirled his purple tinged, silver hair.

"What now, Ferid?" I turned around.

"Its kind've sad that you haven't realized this yet. But, Mitsuba is Yuichiro's cousin. Mitsuba is a princess... Which makes Yuichiro-"

"A prince?!" I gasped.

Ferid hummed. "Yep. Also his family is stinking rich. Especially now that Crowley, Chess and Horn are dead. Anastasia and Mitsuba's mother, Melissa get all that money passed down to them." He laughed. "If only Krul knew that the boy you were in love with was a rich prince... Maybe she would've called off your wedding with Mitsuba and let you marry Yuichiro instead." Ferid stared intently at me, amused as hell by the reaction on my face.

"So you're telling me that all this time you knew that Yuichiro was a long, lost prince..." I clenched my fists. "Why the hell wouldn't you have told me or Krul?! Especially since that's an easier way to go about destroying a wedding than swords fighting Crowley and his companions." I growled. "Are you fucking delirious, Ferid?"

"Nah." He winked. "I am not delirious. I just love drama for my own entertainment." He licked his lips. "See ya!" He disappeared down the hallway.

I was angry for a moment until I realized something. Yuu-chan was a prince. Correction; Yuu-chan was my precious princess... And that meant that there was a possibility that we could get married?!

Oh yes, I am definitely going to take that possibility and try; but to do that...

Where the fuck is Krul?


I knocked on Yuu-chan's door. Last time I did that, I had a bad experience... When he ripped the daisies I picked for him. That hurt a lot, but Yuu-chan forgave me and he loves me now.

Anastasia opened the door. "Hey Mikaela."

"Greetings, is Yuu-chan-" I was interrupted as the raven haired boy ran through the door and tackled me into a hug.

"Mika!" He yelled as he buried his head into my chest. "I missed you so much." He wrapped his legs around me and snuggled me as if I was a teddybear. It was such an affectionate action, which caused my heart to race. I smiled at him endearingly, pressing my lip's against the cutest boy in the world's.

"Yuu-chan is very cute." I played with his locks as he continued to hug me very tightly. "I've missed you too. I love Yuu-chan with all my heart."

"And I love Mika with mine too." Yuu-chan looked up at me with dilated pupils. "Mika makes me feel safe, warm and loved."

"Awwwww~" I forgot that Anastasia was still there. She had a huge grin on her face as she snapped pictures of us. I stood up as I told Yuu-chan I had to talk to his mother in private. Yuu-chan waited inside the house as I talked to Anastasia outside.

"Yuu-chan is a prince, correct?" I asked.

"Hmm. I forgot about that, yeah he is." Anastasia replied. "Why are you asking?"

I bowed my head. "I am planning to propose to Yuu-chan, soon. I'd like to have your blessing."

Anastasia stared at me for a few seconds with widened eyes which made me feel even more nervous.

She captured me into a hug after a moment. "Of course you have my blessing, sweetie. I love the way you treat my son and I can tell how much you love him and how much he loves you back." She released our embrace. "Oh my god!" She squealed. "This is amazing."

I grinned. "Thank you so much. I should get back to Yuu-chan now."

The boy was in his room, painting away on his canvas. His tongue stuck out slightly because he was focussed. He swashed the paint onto his paper very passionately. I sat down next to him, kissing his cheek. "What are you painting, princess?"

"What I always paint." He told me. I got curious and found myself leaning over to stare at the canvas.

I gasped. "Yuu-chan!"

He blushed ferociously. "I'm sorry, I know its kind of creepy and weird."

"No way. You are so damn talented, I love it so much." I took the canvas and gawked at it in Awe.

Yuu-chan's eyes brightened and he gave me a goofy smile. "Thank you Mika." He leaped off the bed and pulled out more watercolour paintings from under his bed. All of the paintings were of him and I together and I found it really cute.

The one that he was currently painting was my favourite though. It was a painting where our foreheads were touching. Yuu-chan suddenly poked my pocket. "Mika? What's in there?" I blushed madly, remembering what I had put into my pocket.

I pulled the object out, shielding it from Yuu-chan's eyes with my hand. "Its a promise ring. Kind've like a mini contract." I told him as I put the ring onto his finger. "Its a vow that you will always be mine no matter what happens. By taking it, you are promising me that."

I was planning on doing something very bad to Yuu-chan for the good of our future. But, I had to make sure that he would never, ever leave me no matter what because I loved him more than anything in the entire world. But I had to do this to him. I had to.

He stared at the ring that fit onto his finger perfectly. "It's beautiful." He smiled. "I promise to be with you no matter what, Mika. I love you."

He accepted, he promised me. I grinned back at him. "And Mikaela loves his princess very much too."

(1260 Words) Updated: Monday, September 4th, 2017


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