Chapter 10: Seven Minutes

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"I want you and Mitsuba to make out for two minutes." I bit my lip.

Mitsuba's face was all flustered and her expression looked retarded. Imagine the face you'd make if you saw a car about to crash into you. Yeah, that's what Mitsuba's face looked like.

I glanced at Mikaela to see if he was affected by the dare. This was all a test to see if Mikaela really did have feelings for Mitsuba or not. If he looked somewhat bothered by the situation of Mitsuba kissing someone else, then I know he likes her. If he brushes it off like it's nothing, then chances are, he doesn't like her.

He just looked surprised yet— intrigued. This confused me.

"Okay." A sly smirk crept onto Shinoa's lips after I directed the demand to her.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! I'M NOT KISSING A GIRL." Mitsuba scrunched her face in disgust before giving Mikaela a desperate look. Mikaela just laughed in response.

"You guys have to. It's the rules of the game." Kimizuki pushed his glasses up with his forefinger.

Mitsuba was about to argue back but Shinoa tackled her and attacked her mouth with hers. She was letting out uncontrollable giggles as the two made out on the floor. Mitsuba was blushing ferociously and her eyes were wide but she kissed back.

My eyes travelled to Mikaela as he was biting his lip— really hard. It looked as if he were in thought. My heart saddened. He looked restricted and uncomfortable in a way. He has feeling for Mitsuba, doesn't he?

His eyes connected to mine and he squeezed my pillow. Was he mad at me? He gazed at my face as he slowly licked his lips and stared at me with desperation. Did he want me to tell them to stop? Why is he looking at me like that?

Is that— lust? That I see in his eyes?

No, it can't be.

The two on the floor were now really into the make out session. It was really heated. Shinoa had groped one of Mitsuba's breasts which caused Mitsuba to let out a surprised yelp as Shinoa squeezed and grabbed at her boobs. Mitsuba's shirt had fallen off of one of her shoulders and you could see the Lacey trim of her bra.

At that point... I think I started to ship the two. Plus, Mitsuba wouldn't be all over my Mika.

"I think..." Yoichi gasped uncomfortably, "I think... That's enough." He covered his eyes with his hands and squealed in awkwardness. Kimizuki looked over to Yoichi in concern as Shinoa and Mitsuba kept at it.

"Guys! That's enough. Yoichi is getting uncomfortable." Kimizuki said in a motherly tone. The two detached with a string of spit. Mitsuba looked angry but her face was an opaque shade of Crimson. Shinoa just had a lazy smile.

"That was disgusting!" Mitsuba yelled weakly.

"Shut up, we all know you liked it." Shinoa ran a finger up her neck.

"N-no! I-I only like it when Mikaela does it!"

Wait... 'When Mikaela does it'? When Mika does what? Does Mika touch her breasts? Please tell me he doesn't... Mika had no reply, his face was emotionless.

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