Sakura Tree

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Genji did as he said, as he appeared at Angela's house 11 o'clock on the dot. Before knocking on the door, he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He rehearsed a bit in his head, but in the end he had to force himself to knock. Its not like he didn't want to, but he was just so nervous.

Angela opened the door with a bright smile on her face. However, it appeared that she was also a little nervous. Without either of them saying anything, Angela stepped out of her house and locked the door behind her.

"So... What part of town do you wanna see?" He asked, cautiously putting his hands in his pockets.

"Honestly, anything. Just take me wherever you like to go" She looked into his eyes for a split second, then looked away as her cheeks started to stain pink.

"In that case, I'll just walk you around. Let's hope you'll be able to get used to living in Japan. The culture is a lot different to Switzerland" He emphasised the 'lot', getting through to Angela that moving to Japan from a foreign country wasn't really an easy thing to do.

Angela agreed, nodding as her mouth had turned completely dry, she swallowed hard.

Genji walked her around and told her where things are, what thing do, and just informed her on Japanese culture. Angela couldn't help but hate tours, but as long as it was Genji, she would've done the whole day 20 times over again.

However, after a few hours had passed, they were getting towards the end of the town. Angela had noticed that they hadn't come across Genji's house yet though, and there was only a small amount to go. Once they were walking up a rather small alleyway, Angela spotted a sakura tree in the distance. In fact, there were several.

"So this is where all the blossoms are coming from!" She exclaimed, sounding extremely excited. Genji looked at her lit up face, the sun making her skin glow like never before with a yellow hue. Genji noticed how yellow seemed to be her colour. He felt his own cheeks turn crimson but he just couldn't look away. "Let's go see those!"

She took hold of his hand like she did the day before, and started running towards them. Genji was running next to her this time instead of being dragged, and the wind on his face really felt amazing. Not to mention his hand interlocked with Angela's.

They stopped as they reached the biggest tree, both of them out of breath. However, their hands remained together. It felt natural, they barely even noticed. Angela closed her eyes and took in the scent and atmosphere of the moment, smiling widely as she did so.

The cherry blossoms were flying all around them, creating a beautiful image. Genji could only find himself focusing on Angela. Seeing her wrapped in cherry blossoms smiling with her hand in his, he swore that this was the prettiest sight he'd ever seen.

Go on Genji, just do it. You've fought fully armed criminals and come out with minor injuries at most, so surely you can do a cute gesture to the girl you like. He thought to himself, his eyes completely fixated on Angela. So he did.

He leaned in slowly to the side of her face, anxiety carrying him all the way there. He gave Angela's hand a little squeeze, just to remember what was actually happening. To remember that it was real. Angela did the same thing, holding his hand just a little bit tighter.

Genji softly planted his lips onto her cheek, closing his eyes as he did so. He only stayed for a couple of seconds before backing up. Angela barely reacted, she just opened her eyes and smiled a bit wider.

"Thank you" She said quietly, turning to face him. "For everything. My move here wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable without you" Genji's eyes lit up with every word she said. It made him want to kiss her right there, right then. Well, he wanted to do that anyway.

"And to that I thank you too, for everything you've done to help me, and everyone all over the world. You really are an angel" They giggled, looking each other in the eye.

"You two done over there?" They heard a familiar voice, that made Genji jump.

"H-Hanzo?! I thought you were with Jesse today!" Genji exclaimed, dropping Angela's hand from embarrassment.

"He just left..." Hanzo shouted over, looking a little bit sad. "Besides, it looks like its going to rain. You two should come inside" He said as he walked off.

"At least this is a chance for me to show you my house!" Genji nervously said rather loudly.

Angela just nodded, laughing inaudibly. Genji started walking in the same direction as Hanzo, with Angela following along close behind. She felt like she could still feel Genji's hand in hers, still feel his soft lips planted on her cheek.

Once the house came into sight, she was completely baffled. It was huge, with multiple balconies and many windows. Angela was staring with her mouth wide open, wondering who on earth the Shimada family were. She obviously wasn't vocal about it though.

"It'd take a long time to show you all around, so we can just hang out in my room and go on the training range" Genji commented, walking backwards.

"Training range?"

"Yeah. Its where where Hanzo and I practice fighting. He prefers bow and arrow, whilst I use shurikens"

"Wow! I didn't know you were into that kind of thing" She was rather impressed, but not that surprised as she had seen him run up a wall before.

They went to straight to Genji's room though, as it really had started raining, like Hanzo said. Even after a few hours, it just got heavier and heavier. Genji and Angela both agreed that she wouldn't set off home until the rain had calmed down.

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